The Phreak
Sunday, September 25th 2022, 3:00:27 pm

#153: The Phreak
Sunday, September 25th 2022, 3:00:27 pm
- 1. Steve Jobs Interview about the Blue Box Story (www.youtube.com)
- 2. Blue Box | Homemade Replica Blue Box For Phone Phreaking (www.youtube.com)
- 3. 20th Anniversary Redbox Radioshack tone dialer EC-389 Catalog no 65-721 (www.youtube.com)
- 4. Oldschool Radioshack Redbox pocket tone dialer (www.youtube.com)
- 5. Emmanuel Goldstein, sock puppet Q&A (www.youtube.com)
- 6. Phiber Optik - Last Interview Before 1 Year In Prison (1993) (www.youtube.com)
- 7. Joybubbles ❤️ (www.youtube.com)
- 8. Covid Crops Prank Call (www.youtube.com)
- 9. Harassing Black Friday Wal-Mart Customers with Prank Calls (www.youtube.com)
- 10. The Last HOPE (2008) - The Art of Social Engineering (www.youtube.com)
- 11. Phone Phreak Captain Crunch Rare Interview from '78 (www.youtube.com)
- 12. 2600 Interview with Kevin Mitnick (www.youtube.com)
- 13. L0pht Heavy Industries (www.youtube.com)
- 14. Amazon gave Ring video to police without user’s permission (FOR ANY PURPOSE!) (www.youtube.com)
- 15. 48 Dirty Little Secrets Cryptographers Don’t Want You To Know (www.youtube.com)
- 16. Broadpwn: Remotely Compromising Android and iOS via a Bug in Broadcom's Wi-Fi Chipsets (www.youtube.com)
- 17. Police are tracking you and your license plates (www.youtube.com)
- 18. The Stingray: How Law Enforcement Can Track Your Every Move (www.youtube.com)
- 19. What Are My Rights With Police? (When I Get Pulled Over) (www.youtube.com)
- 20. Michigan Police Sergeant Doesn't Know The Law (www.youtube.com)
- 21. Don't Talk to the Police (www.youtube.com)
- 22. How to make a simple $7 IMSI Catcher (www.youtube.com)
- 23. Catching IMSI Catchers (www.youtube.com)
- 24. Project Overwatch: Multinational Effort to Combat IMSI Catchers (Intercept SMS And Track Location For $7) (www.youtube.com)
- 25. BSIDES CPT 2019 - Hacking satellites with Software Defined Radio (SDR) - Gerard de Jong (www.youtube.com)
- 26. The Coolest Radio You've Probably Never Heard Of (www.youtube.com)
- 27. Locating Cellular Signal with HackRF Spectrum Analyzer SDR Software (www.youtube.com)
- 28. How Telephone Phreaking Worked (Starts at 4:30) (www.youtube.com)
- 29. Hackers The History Of Hacking - Phone Phreaking, Cap.Crunch, Wozniak, Mitnick (www.youtube.com)
- 30. Dutch Hacker Attacking Pentagon via FTP (1991) (www.youtube.com)
- 31. The Jerky Boys - Piano Tuner (www.youtube.com)
- 32. Jerky Boys - Sol Rosenberg's Glasses (www.youtube.com)
- 33. The Jerky Boys - Drinking Problem (www.youtube.com)
- 34. Cact-Eye Hidden Camera Prank Calls (www.youtube.com)
- 35. Radio and Swap Shop Prank Calls (www.youtube.com)
- 36. Tour of the Cacti Radio Studio (www.youtube.com)
- 37. Pump Up The Volume (www.youtube.com)
- 38. Classroom Craziness Compilation (www.youtube.com)
- 39. *Trance* Orbital - Halcyon and On and On ( Hackers / 1995 ) (www.youtube.com)
- 40. The Conscience of a Hacker (www.youtube.com)