The Engineer
Sunday, November 1st 2020, 10:59:28 pm

#85: The Engineer
Sunday, November 1st 2020, 10:59:28 pm
- 1. 7 MILLION VOLT TASER (www.youtube.com)
- 2. How to make a Wildlife Camera (using a Raspberry Pi!) | Maddie Moate (www.youtube.com)
- 3. DIY ARDUINO CAT FOOD DISPENSER (www.youtube.com)
- 4. HOW TO SOLDER (www.youtube.com)
- 5. What is worth desoldering from old electronics? (www.youtube.com)
- 6. Let´s build - BARKING DOG ALARM! (www.youtube.com)
- 7. Building my first ROBOT ARM! (www.youtube.com)
- 8. My first ROBOT - say hello to mBot (www.youtube.com)
- 9. ODROID-GO DIY GameBoy (www.youtube.com)
- 10. How to Make a Smart Security Camera With Movement Notification - Under 60$ (www.youtube.com)
- 11. My First Raspberry Pi Smart Mirror (www.youtube.com)
- 12. ALEXA in my MagicMirror (www.youtube.com)
- 13. Pimoroni Pirate Audio Boards for Raspberry Pi (www.youtube.com)
- 14. Arduino vs. Raspberry Pi - Which is best? (www.youtube.com)
- 15. Raspberry Pi Cameras - The BIG Picture (www.youtube.com)
- 16. Sabre Builds a Raspberry Pi-Boy! (Gameboy Emulator) (www.youtube.com)
- 17. Porch Pirate Raspberry Pi HQ Camera | MotioneyeOS (www.youtube.com)
- 18. My Top 5 Raspberry Pi Projects (www.youtube.com)
- 19. How to 3D Print from your smartphone with Raspberry Pi, Octoprint and Astroprint (www.youtube.com)
- 20. Smart CCTV Camera (with Face Recognition) using Raspberry Pi 4 | Full Tutorial (www.youtube.com)
- 21. Raspberry Pi HQ Camera Ep 1 - Intro (www.youtube.com)
- 22. 5 Best Budget 3D Printers in 2020 (www.youtube.com)
- 23. 3D Printing - 13 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Started (www.youtube.com)
- 24. Play Video (www.youtube.com)
- 25. Soldering Tutorial Part 1 - Tools (www.youtube.com)
- 26. Soldering Tutorial Part 2 - Through Hole (www.youtube.com)
- 27. Soldering Tutorial Part 3 - Surface Mount (www.youtube.com)
- 28. How To Set Up An Electronics Lab (www.youtube.com)
- 29. EEVblog #532 - Silicon Chip Wafer Fab Mailbag (www.youtube.com)
- 30. EEVblog #951 - Mailbag (www.youtube.com)
- 31. EEVblog #686 - Mailbag (www.youtube.com)
- 32. How NOT to Make an Electric Guitar (The Hazards of Electricity) (www.youtube.com)
- 33. Making a Jacob's Ladder to Celebrate a Million Subs! (www.youtube.com)
- 34. Almost MELTING Metal with Induction Heater (www.youtube.com)
- 35. Graphite and Its Awesome Properties (www.youtube.com)
- 36. Building a Van De Graaff HIGH VOLTAGE Generator (www.youtube.com)
- 37. Am I Too Old To Learn Coding?! | Mimo App (Python Language) (www.youtube.com)
- 38. Coding For Kids in Python (Multipart Tutorial) (www.youtube.com)
- 39. Functions (Multipart Tutorial, Python) (www.youtube.com)
- 40. Hello World in Python (www.youtube.com)
- 41. The Art of Code - Dylan Beattie (Multi-language) (www.youtube.com)
- 42. Programming as Performance | Sam Aaron (Ruby Language) (www.youtube.com)
- 43. CS50 - Welcome To Harvard (www.youtube.com)