The Athlete




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William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.

Bodybuilding at age 93

Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea: Charles Eugster

Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea: Charles Eugster
Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea: Charles Eugster

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The Appalachian Trail

Appalachian Trail

Appalachian Trail
Appalachian Trail

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Appalachian Trail

Appalachian Trail
Appalachian Trail

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A Walk in the Woods Trailer

A Walk in the Woods Trailer
A Walk in the Woods Trailer

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A Walk in the Woods

Bill Bryson’s book about walking the Appalachian Trail A Walk in the Woods was made into a movie (comedy) where Bill Bryson is played by Robert Redford. Please listen to the Audiobooks first.

Intro to Ultramarathons

From couch to ultra marathon: Bill Hoffman

From couch to ultra marathon: Bill Hoffman
From couch to ultra marathon: Bill Hoffman

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Western States (100 miles)

Western States

Western States
Western States

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Western States 70

Western States 70
Western States 70

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Western States The SISU Journey

Western States The SISU Journey
Western States The SISU Journey

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Paula Newby Frazier is Hitting The Wall 1995 Ironman Hawaii

Paula Newby Frazier is Hitting The Wall 1995 Ironman Hawaii
Paula Newby Frazier is Hitting The Wall 1995 Ironman Hawaii

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The Crawl - Sian Welch & Wendy Ingraham

The Crawl - Sian Welch & Wendy Ingraham
The Crawl - Sian Welch & Wendy Ingraham

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Elle's journey to good health

Elle's journey to good health
Elle's journey to good health

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Ultraman Triathlon (320 miles)

Lessons the Ultraman Triathlon taught me about life

Lessons the Ultraman Triathlon taught me about life
Lessons the Ultraman Triathlon taught me about life

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The Eternal Suffering of the Endurance Mind by Colin Robertson

The Eternal Suffering of the Endurance Mind by Colin Robertson
The Eternal Suffering of the Endurance Mind by Colin Robertson

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Heart Health

Recently published article on how Human Hearts Evolved to Need Regular Activity

Rock Running - Real Olympics have few spectators.

Rock Running - Real Olympics have few spectators.
Rock Running - Real Olympics have few spectators.

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