Real Education is Sweet Exploration
Real Education is Sweet Exploration

Thursday • September 10th 2020 • 7:04:11 pm

Real Education is Sweet Exploration

Thursday • September 10th 2020 • 7:04:11 pm

Real education is a Great Empowering Adventure,

that begins, with what is interesting to us.

It's how Human Beings progress forward,

it's how Socrates, DaVinci, Bruno, Newton, became known.

They followed a path as dictated by their mind,

and that dictation occurs, once precise layer after another.

You can become a genius within 10 years,

but this is not a race, it is best to take 30 years.

Thirty is perfect.

Don't worry, the schools are broken,

they are exactly as worthless as you think they are.

Grades are an insult to your mind,

and teachers will spew all kinds of nonsense but they just want to get paid.

Be warned, my Friend,

the classroom is the worst thing that can happen to a curious mind,

it will slice everything into boring irrelevant disconnected facts,

and force you into performing memory tricks with things that you will never want to remember.

Resist, but don't drop out,

just go to the library.

Eventually, you'll end at at the deans office,

just tell them the truth, you fell in love with Learning.

The Dean will tag you as a genius,

but you can't allow this to happen.

You are not gifted, you are not a genius - we are all geniuses.

All the other kids you left behind,

they need you to tell them that school is not teaching.

It is only making you role-play with memorization tricks,

it is actually preventing everyone from learning.

This is not intentional,

there is no government conspiracy.

Only mediocrity, people who are just trying to fake it until they make it.

I am sorry.

But if you just keep to the library,

keep making your way through all the lovable books.

And above all, watch over the others,

keep an eye on the ones who are cracking.

They need your help,

they need a way out.

They don't need hand holding,

they just need a way out.

That way is: Start-ups, building a little business,

building on their own ideas, in their own universe,

tell them to look up Y-Combinator and find something like it.

This way, if they fail, they will have an opportunity to come back up,

by saying "The world has failed me, but I will not fail myself, I will not let them crush me."

Help the others to books, the weird kids, well the really weird kids that actually like math,

they will love Brian Greene, they may not necessarily read the whole book,

or even enjoy Quantum Physics, they just need to know that they can understand it.

Most of the kids will needed Audio Books,

we can't really read as well as the Author,

an in any way there is five ways to voice a paragraph, leave it to the author.

And then Documentaries, Climate, Education, Philosophy,

start with Astra Taylor maybe.

Everyone has their own path, each student has a unique beginning,

which is marked by natural curiosity, comfort, and a sense of progression.

Moreover, once they take that first step and taste their first lesson,

the second lesson will come much easier, because in their mind,

it is connected, it is connected by the path they are on.

In school when when we switch from Language to Math, Music, and Biology,

there is no path, there is no continuity, there can only be temporary memorization,

and permanent forgetting.

There is no building one layer after another towards Wisdom and Enlightenment,

there is just graduation and desperation that leads to a shitty job.

Such a blind, dead end, death march toward the end of youth, cheerfulness, and dreams,

will induce depression, self medication, acting out, fighting, and sometimes addiction or worse.

Add grades, that many stupid teachers passionately care about,

to the point of not just thinking that students are stupid,

but actually convincing many of the students,

that the pointless grade is a measure of of their intelligence.

Sit them in rows to listen to incomprehensible curricula,

that can only be blindly memorized, by a half crazed madman.

Sprinkle in a bunch of bullies,

with a mix of not-my-problem teachers that can only proclaim "Life isn't fair for us all."

And, then when they come home, add parents that punish them for no longer having any respect left for them.

It is not just schools that were created to try to help you,

there is a backup,

countless writers writing specifically to you the younger generation, you.

Use the backup,

help the others.

Make sure nobody drops out,

make sure they finish listening to their Audio Books.

  • Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer
  • A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail, by Bill Bryson
  • The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid: A Memoir, by Bill Bryson
  • Cosmos, by Carl Sagan
  • A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson
  • A Brief History of Time, by Stephen Hawking
  • Death by Black Hole And Other Cosmic Quandaries, by: Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History, by John M. Barry
  • The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman
  • Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari
  • Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change, by Elizabeth Kolbert
  • Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies, by Jared Diamond
  • The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman

Keep an eye on the drop outs, gift them Robinson Crusoe, or Into the Wild, or a copy of Walden,

put "DON'T GET LOST, BECOME A GREAT BEING" on the Title Page, and get everyone to sign it.

My Friend,

You are the Principal now.

Protect your friends and classmates;

may you all become Great Beings.