Woodland Animals Gone Wild; Or The Coronal Mass Ejection In Michigan
Woodland Animals Gone Wild; Or The Coronal Mass Ejection In Michigan

Friday • May 10th 2024 • 9:58:40 pm

Woodland Animals Gone Wild; Or The Coronal Mass Ejection In Michigan

Friday • May 10th 2024 • 9:58:40 pm

In the news Europe has turned so pink, that people there can hardly think.

In upper Michigan, it is more animal trouble again.

And the worst offenders, are the stink vendors.

The skunks got in the mood, to do nothing good.

They have been spraying, without any delaying.

And it has been so bad, that many are feared half dead.

Apparently it is like getting hit from a hose, straight in the nose.

An it is not just spray, for today, skunks, are also blowing huge chunks.

Many other animals from the bush, are at the cabin door trying to push.

Tired from the stank, and on the run from the skank.

Hoping to get into the house, like some little mouse.

But nobody up there willing to open their door, worried about the mess the creatures would make on the floor.

Down south, I only saw a single bewildered goose, standing still without a single excuse.

The little birds were extra quiet, but also tense, as if waiting to start a little riot.

The only happy birds were the ducks, walking around with their sweeties giving zero quacks.

They seem to have everything in a row, waiting to give the strange light show a sure go.

I’ve never seen such lovely birds, really… I have no words.

It is nine o’clock now about to get truly dark, but I see neither a light show, nor a spark.

Instead Michigan feels sleepy and tired, and is sure to to take no action unless required.

I think everyone is glad Friday is here, and the last thing on their minds is fear.

I hope Michigan sky turns some interesting color too, but knowing Michigan, it will probably be sky blue.

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