Programming Is The Very Least You Should Learn In High School
Programming Is The Very Least You Should Learn In High School

Monday • September 30th 2024 • 9:41:42 pm

Programming Is The Very Least You Should Learn In High School

Monday • September 30th 2024 • 9:41:42 pm

If you graduated without mastery of programming, your High School was fake, adults do that kind of thing a lot.

Your teacher will act cute, smart, loving, caring, and even rebelliously, but when you graduate you realize all you got was an easy class.

And what you should have gotten is personally relevant, life changing, meaningful, functional and authentic education, that will set you free from poverty.

Then of course you get hit the second time, because now you have to pay for college, you go deeper into debt, rather than higher out of it.

Adults also do that a lot, they will give you something for free, and then charge you money to finish it, while thinking a sucker is born every minute.

Shrinks cal that a sunk cost fallacy, I just call it fake education and fraud.

As a child I started with the quest to put a pixel on my TV screen, then as a High Schooler, I needed to open an empty window I could modify.

You, now that you are armed with Artificial Intelligence, see ollama and install the lamma3.2 LLM.

You need to begin by creating a visual programming language, the UNIX user interface, the most powerful UI, is all about it,

Commands send data, to other commands.

In a more visual world, where you see graphics, not text.

Boxes have an in and out, which can be connected by a line, there is an actual connection routine when ports are connected.

You then say, from.pipe.on(‘out’, packet=>to.pipe.emit(‘in’, packet)), where from is an object representing what ever connects here.

And pipe is an EventEmitter, that you should ask AI to write, “Create a short and sweet EventEmitter in JavaScript, explain every line in detail so that a High School student new to programming can understand it”.

The party starts when you have 3 boxes, because the middle box is some kind of a transformer.

For example, first box, gets text of this poem, the middle box, sends it to AI to make it more readable…

And the third box, sends the more readable poem, to your inbox so that you can look at it, or have it read by AI later.

Lets hoist this up, and enhance out boxes, with a programming model that just happens to fit our use case.

It is called the actor model, where you anthropomorphize, all your programming components.

And in fact, you can make an Actor, what we just called a box, with a Human, for example your friends that likes technical poems.

Can be sent an email, in a verification routine, and they will score the poem on a scale from 1 to 10.

Anything below 7, gets sent back to AI for improvement, and the process repeats, you just put a human in the circuit.

You can model yourself as a box or an actor, you will now have to reply to articles in your inbox.

And once you acknowledge having read the text, your visual programming language, will file it into an archive.

A good example of a human in the circuit is self checkout, when a computer fails to help you, it calls a real, cashier.

I was buying some workout gloves, and ended up scanning them twice, I became an actor in a self checkout program, who called a cashier.

Than then removed the error, and the computerized checkout process, resumed.

Throughout your entire existence, month by month, Artificial Intelligence will be becoming more powerful.

Creating such a visual programming language, based on an actor model that can route and transform data is a big deal.

If you sell monthly access to your Visual Programming language, you will never have to worry about finance.

It takes very litter to get the basics down, until you are programming everything else with your VPL.

So as you sit in the classroom, and your teacher cheats you, out of meaningful education.

Go to the back of your notepad, draw three boxes with two ports on each side, input, and output, connect them up, and begin diagramming your future.

You need to learn JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SVG, Web Components, EvenEmitter, OOP, Traits & Mixins, Actor Model, CouchDB, Mongo, SQL.

These should all be your High School classes, where each lesson makes you more powerful.

The future is weeping at the education that you have been tricked into, you have been misled by the men who sold the world.

Math, Biology, Chemistry, Genetics, can only be taught, in a sequence that matches you, and a pace that fits you best.

Knowing programming helps a great deal as you can simulate and visualize it all, but you need Individualized Instruction, from your colleagues and tutor and from AI.

The teachers that lied to you, now must spend their fays, ensuring that the AI is on point, that your quest for more has no hiccups.

Go on, turn to the last page of you notebook now, and begin diagramming your future.

Let the diagrams, concept and mind maps, extend your mind for long enough to advance beyond your limits.

Never follow, or you may end up like your teachers, pointlessly parroting the fraud, that has long ran its course.

Now satiating the bottom feeders, in an ecosystem of brainless opportunists.

Child, this world is meant for you, and not, its most parasitic of ghouls.

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