Is Philosophy Still Relevant? Or, The Curse Of How Was I Supposed To Know?
Is Philosophy Still Relevant? Or, The Curse Of How Was I Supposed To Know?

Friday • June 28th 2024 • 12:38:47 am

Is Philosophy Still Relevant? Or, The Curse Of How Was I Supposed To Know?

Friday • June 28th 2024 • 12:38:47 am

Without philosophy all good intentions, lead to servitude, war, and dark ages.

The kindest and well meaning grownups, will destroy what little remains of education.

They will gleefully and with great pride, undo your rights, to loving congregations.

It will take tragedy, and they will utter the words of the worst curse.

Words spoken countless stupid fools, of every generation, on the day it all unraveled.

The words are always filled with anger, and pain and hopelessness.

“How was I supposed to know”, “how was I supposed to know.”

This is all the thinking they will do, their next step, will make them even a bigger fool.

Now, they will aim to viciously avenge, in a war they started.

The cycle will now pick up on the other end, until the world lives in fear, or worse.

The singe most destructive force, is the life without Philosophy, without Love of wisdom.

Without integrated, clear, religion-free thought, it destroys everything.

And then parades the destroyers, as moppets and fools, to ensure that everything whithers.

Let me show you, who big those fools are, they stand against Human Rights and Good Ideas.

Not because it is something that they believe in, not at all, they couldn't care less.

They stand for dark ages, because that is what the uneducated voter wants.

They saw the branch they are sitting on, to get higher up the tree.

They only do it fo r the vote, and they want the vote for the position of prestige.

Not power, all the positions have long been neutered, just the prestige that comes with the office.

Why is life without Philosophy so destructive, so corrosive, so unjust?

Because the entire modern world as you know it, has been built on the foundation of love of wisdom.

Philosophy, is the mother of Sciences, and it is Humanity’s only Operating System.

Everything else is parasitical, legacy code, held in place by darkness that shouldn't be there.

This is an easy state to describe, dark age is called a state of intellectual bankruptcy.

Now let me show you, how it already got you.

You aim to, already accepted, a fraudulent High School diploma.

You didn’t even think about it, you crammed, memorized, comprehended, nothing.

Whatever you did comprehend, is so far removed from practical applications that it is useless.

When you brush your teeth tonight, say to your reflection in the mirror.

“Mitochondria, is the powerhouse of the cell”

Liars have arranged your textbooks, the school curricula, all of it.

It was never meant to teach, it was meant to make you pass tests.

You see, the one stunning thing, about being manipulated.

Is that at first, you don’t even have an iota of suspicion that it is happening.

And you don’t want to live your life conspiracy first, the world does not need anymore texts like this one.

To finally to give answer to the title question, will come as a mild shock, though as you age, the mildness will wear.

Philosophy is not Academic, it is personal.

The importance of philosophy is such, that not only must you see it as your intellectual inheritance.

But you must become a Philosopher yourself, so that you may see the lies with better eyes…

As you stand. on the shoulders of giants.

All that humanity really has, Is the intellectual inheritance, for the new generations.

Philosophy is integrity, it is what keeps you whole.

I would argue, that of all the beautiful things that make us human, unbreakability is the most important one.

The future of humanity will forever stand, as a magnificent challenge.

You need to become super human, drawing energy from all that is inexhaustible within you.

And part of your duties in life, is to keep liars out of philosophy.

And eventually, out of Human affairs.

Growing all the way up, and becoming a great being.

Is the only way, you can carry out that duty.

For all the things that make you human, Philosophy makes you super human.

That is what humanity reliably and perpetually rising to the next plateau is all about.

Rising, above ourselves.

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