Thirty Seconds At A Time; Or, A Brief Overview Of Music Generation
Thirty Seconds At A Time; Or, A Brief Overview Of Music Generation

Wednesday • June 26th 2024 • 7:47:45 pm

Thirty Seconds At A Time; Or, A Brief Overview Of Music Generation

Wednesday • June 26th 2024 • 7:47:45 pm

Just like you can ask today’s generative AI to write a story, or create some photograph or doodle, or even animate a still.

You can ask AI to create a song, all you need to say is “Create a song about stars”.

And it will give you, a 30 second clip, if you like it, you can prefix it with an intro.

Add more sections, including vocals, and close the creation with an outro.

The first clip the AI generates, sets the mood, instruments, and even genre.

Things you can specify, if you wish to be more specific than. “Create a song about stars”.

If the initial audio clip you get, serves well as a beginning, then it becomes the intro section.

If it feels like it goes in the middle somewhere, then you prefix the song with a section of type intro.

You are moving 30 seconds at a time, and you can change everything.

I even tested getting the AI to generate lyrics, in Tolken’s Elvish, and it worked.

Then I fused it with an old Lithuanian Commonwealth song, and the AI ended mixing Elvish with outdated Polish.

Here is a 40 second clip, to show you sung gibberinsh.


When I asked the AI to generate a song inspired by a specific artist, the program refused.

But replaced the author’s name, with an pretty accurate description of how they sing.

And while this is good, it was not trained on that particular artists music.

So the description was valid, but the audio result was way off.

This will change, as dinosaurs suffer a prolonged end.

This is the beginning of the everyday maestro, every teenager can now learn to create masterpieces.

Artists, artists are still artists, if you want to listen to a particular artists, do so.

Personally, my favorite song is, Tchaikovsky's Capriccio Italien.

It tells a story, it is the way songs should be.

So I prefer to create such songs with AI, and don’t much care for any other creator but myself.

I present the first song I made, in full.

But, it is not a masterpiece yet, I strained the system.

I plowed forward to test it, I wanted to see if I could find limits.

To me this is an educational song, and I learned.

That I should spend more time, on that initial sample that sets the mood.

And I need better war drums, powerful deep snappy bass.

That shifting genre in the middle of a song, is as beautiful as I always imagined.

And that vocals, and actual lyrics, are a whole new world to explore.

Without further ado, here is my song.

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