You Are Not A Worker, Or; For All The Good That Is Left
Thursday • March 27th 2025 • 4:37:21 pm
I have had nuclear weapons pointed at me, from both sides, for no reason other than the cranky small minds of adult infants.
I now live in a place, where such little men, used to say, a learned servant is a no good servant.
And where I came from, religion was used to control, uneducated minds, and destroy the thinkers.
It is no coincidence that the publication date, of De revolutionibus orbium coelestium,
Is the same year, as Nicolaus Copernicus Death.
Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen. Mistakes belong to a past we leave behind, their unclear nature is their error. Yet, the future beckons us—a brighter future awaits a wiser humanity, one that learns from silence and rises above the limitations of the past.
And so we now put an end to the dark age, 2025 is as fine of a date as any other.
If you care for a flag, use the Pioneer 10 plaque, and the pulsar map makes for a fine piece of jewelry.
You live in an age when Jill Tarter her self, has asked you to think of yourself as an Earthling.
And my poetry simply asks that you see yourself, as a creature of the stars first, and a human close second.
You do have a duty to the stars, you have to learn about them, understand them.
Astronomers, are some of the sweetest lovers of science, and they call things what they are, precisely for you.
You hold a greater of a duty to humanity, you are charged with growing all the way up.
All the way, until you stand, as nothing less than as a great being.
You don’t need the flag, of the pulsar beads, that is just for the transition into the future.
You don’t even need leaders, you just need Knowledge, Wisdom, and Greatness.
You have to think, and evaluate, and judge, and resist fear, dispel doubt, and use your mind against disbelief.
You are a generation that will see the end of aging, you are even likely to experience the next step.
How your biological body though powerful at renewal, will eventually face trouble…
And decades of augmentation will slowly, and eventual help you transform, into best of both worlds.
A humanity, that has no trouble, with setting off for distant world, time dilation or not.
Thinking of yourself as a worker, or a soldier, or even disadvantaged.
Has ended, a year or two ago, that kind of thought, in the age of AI is unhealthy.
For the dark ages to end, you have to put yourself, in the context of the future, the context of the stars.
Do not disagree with me, do not disturb me, pack for the Triple Crown, as that is your graduation.
The Appalachian, Pacific Crest, and Continental Divide Trails, is where your journey into the stars begins.
Bring all the narrated books, Astrophysics, Science, Adventure, and Philosophy first.
The age of Artificial Intelligence, finally ends the Dark Ages.
You are no longer allowed to cram, or memorize to pass the tests for a GPA…
Or aim for a carer with a path peppered by believers, that a fool is born every minute.
Where fools count on a sank cost fallacy, to drag you into a lifetime of interest payments.
Face it, passing a test without comprehension, makes you a lair, makes you what holds humanity back.
With Greatness comes Authenticity, and that should serve as your new start.
Use the time adventure opens for you as your great education, and narrated books and AI as your teachers.
When you complete your trails and graduate, be ready to learn to build companies staffed by AI.
Many companies today are ran by AI, without you knowing.
This is the new Wild Wild west, the great equalizer, where one person a team of AI can compete against giants.
You are not going to get old, and your end may never come, start learning for real now, reject make-believe education.
Take a piece of paper, and begin mapping out departments, and workflows for your first digital company.
And start practicing hiking and camping, the crossing the Triple Crown is a Two Year adventure.
And that is just the beginning, your greatness, is just the start, that is worthy of you.
“Sol Stet In Medio”, you must carry on the tradition, of blazing the trails, and have no fear.
Cognosce Naturam, in silvis, montibusque, Ad Scientiam perquiremus, studium numquam exsanguis.
In Scientia veritas, stella nos ducit per tenebras, Viam inveniemus, ubi spes et ratio coniunguntur.
Vos, iuvenes, scientia vestra est potestas, Vobis terra nova aperietur, ubi lux renovabitur.
Know Nature, in the woods, in the mountains, Let us eagerly seek knowledge, never ceasing our pursuit.
In knowledge, there is truth, a star guiding us through the darkness, We will find a way, where hope and reason converge.
You, the youth, your knowledge is your power, For you, a new earth will be opened, where light will be renewed.