Emergency Schools: Replacing Broken Schools With Effective Self Education And Real World Evaluation
Emergency Schools: Replacing Broken Schools With Effective Self Education And Real World Evaluation

Friday • January 21st 2022 • 8:49:02 pm

Emergency Schools: Replacing Broken Schools With Effective Self Education And Real World Evaluation

Friday • January 21st 2022 • 8:49:02 pm

This is a pretty important idea, so I'll leave the flourish for another poem,
here I will rapidly describe an emergency school that works.

I will however caution that this school helps students earn money,
and that parents, teachers, tutors and everyone else are not allowed to trick the student out of their savings.

No one is allowed to whine and manipulate students out of their money,
this is an emergency school, meaning that the easier wrong has destroyed enough already as it is.

Go beg to your presidents for change,

And I will make one more notice as it is pertinent to the real-world evaluation system,
grades have been the single most toxic, stupid, demanding, and unethical invention that is most responsible for the destruction of today's schools the promise of a bright future.

Get your kids out of schools that use grades,
grades are a sick mechanism that tricks the students into thinking that they are not smart.

Grades destroy minds,
and help the teachers sell the students minds out for paychecks.

This is an emergency school, crafted for self paced rapid education that is more fun than computer games,
a proper version of this system is in fact a beautiful computer game and although there is no graduation, there are many prestigious in-game items.

In a better school students get paid extra for participation,
on top a robust universal income system, the money comes from the future - in short it is an investment in human kind.

In this emergency school however we use money as a way to push back poverty and score our progress,
the money made is the real world feedback that the students can rely on for truth.

If they are doing things correctly, and if they are thinking correctly,
they will sell their products.

Because internet is constantly changing it is very difficult to describe where products are sold,
nor is it really possible to say what kind of a product is the best.

But we can be certain it is primarily Digital Media,
perhaps with the exception of printing on demand, prior to shipping.

The customer can buy a downloadable digital product like a Website Theme,
or get Jewelry or Costume Horns that are designed by the student on a computer, but printed out on a 3D printer prior to shipping.

At the time of writing, a well selling theme made the seller two and a half million dollars,
and quality horns earned over a million.

Selling products that the user creates is just the first small step,
things get more complex as they progress.

The storefront has to be full of their products to show the customers they know what they are doing,
this means more design, but also hiring other designers, or even outsourcing a specific product design.

Next is learning how to use advertising,
without advertising, the products will not sell.

Moreover, product creation doubles a great introduction to important computer programs such as,
GIMP, Inkscape, Krita, Blender, LMMS, Audacity, and LibreOffice.

(Please avoid closed source programs as they will eventually betray you,
and you will be forced to transition to Open Source Alternatives and forego your muscle memory, shortcuts, work flows and hard earned lessons and practice.)

It is very important to notice that it is the mastery of these programs,
and not temporary selling some products that is the real reward.

A product is the proverbial fish,
and knowledge of the programs that designs products, is the fishing rod, that will catch many fish.

Having created several well paying sources of income is a great achievement,
but even greater than that, is the DESTRUCTION OF FEAR OF POVERTY, HOMELESSNESS, AND HUNGER, that comes along with this success.

At this stage when there is less fright from poverty,
we make the challenge of this emergency school more abstract, more magnificent, and harder.

At this stage the students are tasked with the design of their own versions of platforms,
within which they sold their first products.

Here they are graduating from designing and selling products,
to programming and building multiple companies.

Knowledge of programming is not required,
in fact it will be a distraction, but I think in the end, it will be worth the while.

Here the students will manage components of their companies,
connecting them together to create sturdy platforms that perform security at scale.

They will base their work on existing software,
and will primary focus on building testing, and ensuring security of add-ons that customize said platforms to suit their unique vision.

I think High School aged students will be able to handle all this without a problem,
but as far as age is concerned, all we should say is: all can try, but building platforms is probably for the more experienced students.

These companies should be perceived as side projects,
they are not to stress the student out, or force them to spend any significant amount of money, that's up to the investors.

This concludes the short and to the point description of the emergency school,
aimed to enable the students with real knowledge, and undo their fear of poverty and financial uncertainty.

There is one more thing that is worth mentioning in the closing paragraph,
and that is student-to-student tutoring.

There is no amount of technical descriptions,
that could even try to measure up, to one successful student helping another one to rise.