The Amazing Power of Audio Books
Tuesday • July 14th 2020 • 8:49:49 pm
First of All,
Let me share with you a secret to a great intellectual wealth,
if you ever get hurt, or lonely the Audio Books will completely restore your health.
They will help you understand the world a lot better,
and they will piece your heart right back together.
Audio books will make your heart whole,
and they will add great Wisdom and Strength to your Soul.
And Let Me Tell You,
They help us resume great works and understand great lives,
connect with great beings, their minds, and drives.
And it really, really works, they help you inherit power,
it gets into your soul, and grows like a flower.
And they help us see better with our own eyes,
see World Poverty as the enemy, and World Peace as The Prize.
And the more lives you inherit from,
the sooner, you will find your way Home.
The original way, we used to learn to rise higher,
was by listening to Moving Stories by a cracking fire.
By listening to all the world's great stories we push poverty away,
and we become Wiser to no end, each and every day.