You Will Need Superpowers
You Will Need Superpowers

Thursday • May 9th 2024 • 9:43:02 pm

You Will Need Superpowers

Thursday • May 9th 2024 • 9:43:02 pm

The only way to make the world a better and safer place, is to ensure real, functional and meaningful education.

Helping humanity grow in Knowledge and Widsom, and creating a more intellectual global culture.

The people that run the world want war, money and glory, they will never fight, work, learn, or deserve their medals.

Their positions of prestige have been bought and stolen, and they see you as a tool to get what they want.

Without superpowers, you will be pushed along, processed and spent.

With superpowers, your generation can stop the machine.

The machine powered by arrogance, stupidity, opportunists, greed, half measures…

And ghouls hopped up, on antidepressants and drugs they were not supposed to mix.

The greatest weapon of the mad men, has already made its impression on you, has already gotten to you.

You were tricked into thinking that knowledge, consists of subjects, that merely require 45 minutes of your time.

And that if you ingest a daily mix, and take a test afterwards.

You will receive your diploma, go around the draft and become a doctor or a lawyer.

But that is not how any of this works, at all, only a mad man could come up with something as stupid.

Know that the superpowers, are a prototype of a new school format.

It is a self reinforcing education system, with its own validation scheme, that keeps the teachers and their fraud out.

The superpower of love of wisdom; or Philosophy.

You must adventure monthly, and you must take your adventures seriously.

Camping and Hiking, is the only fast and reliable way you can get at your intellectual inheritance.

It is stored at libraries around the world, in the shape of the most powerful narrated books written by clear thinking intellectuals.

This is the greatest subject, may you spend ages under the stars.

The superpower of Art; or Painting.

None of your classes are very effective, so take art, and listen carefully to your empty headed teacher.

As she babbles about learning hand eye coordination, which is the last thing that comes to you as an artist.

Watch the screen projector over her head, that machine is how you become a painter.

You project your image on a canvas, and study the color and shape as you manipulate it in a photo editing program.

The art class is there, to drive the lesson of ineffective education home.

Fraudulent teachers are not your happy smiley friends, they are destroying education, they sold you out.

The superpower of music, or becoming a Composer.

Find a free beat sequencer like LMMS, learn how to use Mixxx.

Music theory, is something you learn last, it is a way to talk to other songs and artists.

You compose by ear, and by algorithm.

Here is the first time, you are fully exposed the need for programming, once you learn how to use Beat Sequencers and Piano Rolls.

Programming, will encourage you to cut out the GUI, and code your music live.

You should use JavaScript, a language that will help you into the C family of programming languages.

But Sonic PI, is the best example, of what live coding music is about.

The superpower of sculpting your dreams, or becoming a 3D Modeler.

Here, you are also asked to return once you learn programming, so that you can do procedural sculpting, by simply coding your models.

But first your aim must be 3D Printing, this area is called [precision modeling, and the program you learn is Blender].

Do not let geometry nodes intimidate you, visual programming languages are the interfaces of the future.

Embrace it, and as you learn programming code your own visual programming language.

Finally, the super power of interfacing with technology, or becoming a Programmer and a Creative Hacker.

Use JavaScript, the strength of a language, is not purely about its speed, but its adoption and longevity.

JavaScript is special, because of what TypeScipt is mistakenly trying to fix, it does not slow you down with declaring your variable types.

You don’t need intelligence code editors, the first thing you code is a higher level Visual Programming Language.

That eliminates the need for code completion, and even AI meddling.

Your VPL should control Abstract Syntax Trees, same way that Blender is shaping geometry nodes.

And simply generate code, indistinguishable from what is written by a goo programmer.

You can generate more javaScript, or C/C++, or any of the less permanent languages.

For everything else, you program simulations.

Let me make that clear, when studying computer security, and approaching the OSI and TCP/IP models.

You don’t memorize, you program your own, based on what you learn.

Same goes for learning about mitochondria, you don’t memorize that it is the power of the cell.

You simulate a cell, with mitochondria, with RNA and DNA strands and of course division.

Einstein was just being small minded when he said, “If you can ‘t explain it simply, you haven’t learned well enough.”

As you can see from what happened to world leaders and teachers, there are no simple explanations.

Lastly, become an athlete and follow your noblest curiosities to discover, your own personal superpowers.

And I will leave you, with the correct saying:

“If you can’t make it come alive by programming it, then you must continue your research.”

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