The First Real Night In The Woods Is Not As Bad As It Seems
The First Real Night In The Woods Is Not As Bad As It Seems

Friday • August 11th 2023 • 11:27:51 pm

The First Real Night In The Woods Is Not As Bad As It Seems

Friday • August 11th 2023 • 11:27:51 pm

Don’t go on adventures alone, in fact a real adventurer mounts expeditions.

And an expedition, is never just one person.

Things are going to be easier, than you think.

Because the day you buy your tent, you can sleep in it at home.

Just turn on some nature sound videos, for the soundtrack.

And then, after you get comfy, you can sleep in the back yard.

It is totally safe, and everything you need is near by.

Bonus points if it rains, and you get a feel for that.

A proper adventurer, can have two tents.

I am unwilling to explain this in any detail, but you definitely don’t want to bring the second tent back home.

In most cases people will assume, it is just somebody’s tent.

Though please be aware, that two tents invite ridicule.

But then you can just yell at your friends, that “only filthy animals shit in the woods”

If you are headed for a tiny wilderness, where park rangers aren’t taking care of campsites.

Check for leaning or dying trees around your camp, they are called widow makers.

And you need to look at a video of a powerful storm pressing trees down, it really looks like, the work a finger of some gigantic god.

Storms will come, so don’t setup camp where it looks like water could gather, and avoid places where a flash flood could pass.

If it looks like a nice sandy area, it maybe because that is where the rain water flows.

If you feel that your hair is rising, it does not mean that you are about to be struck, it just means you need to get the heck away from there, fast.

Weather can turn bad really quickly, but the opposite is also true.

If you want the sunshine, and good views, you can camp out in the open.

But find a backup location, that is safe from potential storm trouble.

And be ready to drag your tent there, if the weather gets cranky.

In the beginning you should only camp in places, where the only animal of concern is the clever Raccoon.

They will teach you to hang your food supplies from a tree, so that they are not able to get at it.

But the subject of animals on the wilder trails is complicated, if you are staying in bear country, get a nice big can of bear spray.

Learn to pay attention to food smells and even your own scent, don’t eat where you camp, and be sure that you food is dangling on a rope far away.

Bear bells, maybe too quiet for a bear to hear them, and some say they may annoy the bear, after you startled it, you will have to use your wisdom.

Brown bears are powerful animals, but even a rabid raccoon can go for a bite – be careful.

Don’t camp alone, have a lot of fun make a bunch of noise, stick to the trails, and always keep your bear spray handy.

It is not possible to give you all the advice you need, but if you move from camping in the back yard, to well traveled state parks.

You’ll pickup all you need, Falling Trees, Weather and Bears, are just the things that a person who likes comforts would be wisely worried about.

And I hope to show here, that there is a solution to every fear, and chances are, you’ll only ever worry about any of this, on your first night.

We are all animals, in the ancient times, our ancestors, would worship the bear.

In some ancient cultures the bear was seen as a protector, or king of animals, and the leader of the forest, even.

You are out there in the woods, to learn, to make room in your mind for narrated books.

Begin by listening to stories of adventure, you can inherit all great wisdom you need from the great adventurers themselves.