We Shall Wonder At: The Future Of Human Kind
Monday • August 23rd 2021 • 9:29:36 pm
Growing up is important for Humanity as well,
right now poverty prevents people from caring about Earth.
All people of Earth are a single family,
and we all have a single aim, Wisdom onward to Greatness.
There is no disagreement about what is wise and what is not,
wisdom is a universal thing - it does not create borders.
Humanity must converge on wisdom,
to find Peace, but also energy that will help us look around and see far into the future.
We have to learn to ask if the systems that humanity invented,
are helping or hurting us.
Wold Poverty is hurting us,
and to fix it, all people of earth need a special credit card.
An Inalienable Human Right,
no one will ever go hungry, or homeless.
Our tolerance of ineffective education,
shows that the world is standing still.
The credit card will not track debt,
and only feature a daily spending limit to prevent run-away anomalies.
The card is the result of asking,
if poverty is helping or hurting us.
The card is also a reminder that Humanity must advance,
we can't just stop at mutually assured destruction, pointless wars, and mass surveillance.
There is no progress to be made here,
poverty is an error that will manufacture the need for weapons of mass destruction, endless conflicts, and the kinds of people that need to be monitored.
Just like a city can't put it's poor out on the street,
and then start filling up prisons when they loos their minds.
Humanity must stop creating artificial problems for it self,
it has to begin looking at Earth - that is our only real home.
If poverty is hurting Humanity,
and not only preventing it from seeing the consequences of its own actions.
But also creates many problems that would be prevented,
had it advanced far enough to end poverty.
Then our biggest problem that requires immediate attention,
is the creation of a wold bank that has a card for all.
Money is just an invention,
all we need to do is add that extra component to it, a credit card with a reasonable spending limit for all.
Even teachers can't teach,
when they need to focus all their attention on putting food on their table.
Nothing works, the way it should,
because there is no time to consider the world, when we are each a few days away from crisis.
What needs to be made clear,
is that this is not some Utopian idea.
This isn't just meant to help us,
this is meant to push the world into Wisdom.
It is meant to give Humanity time,
to look at it self, to look at where it is going, and identify the wisest path ahead - and advance.
Too many of Humanity's mistakes are being repeated all around the world,
we are one family, it matters what all the people of the world face.
We can't hope for nations to come to an agreement,
but we can build a bank that will give the people a new credit card, that never expires, that never runs out.
Humanity must grow,
we have to outgrow the blind repetitions of our mistakes, we have to learn to think about the future generations and their world, and their well being.
They are our family,
and we muse search for ways to help them, eliminating world poverty should be our primary concern.
It will help people to books, it will help teachers to teach,
it will help us to see, to see that we are one family, and that borders are a silly invention.
Remember that one of Humanity's greatest treasures,
is the realization that we are all born equal, and that we have a right to Liberty, and Happiness.
World Poverty,
is the opposite of that, it is about inequality, wage slavery, and it takes away from happiness - and certainly the happiness of the future generations.
(Here is a more modern version.)
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Human Beings are equal,
that they are endowed unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Freedom, and Happiness.
A Life, filled with Knowledge, that ignites Wisdom, that Fuels Greatness.
Freedom, from man made problems, like Poverty, Uneducation, War, and Weapons of Mass Destruction.
And Happiness, that is rooted in Authentic Achievement, Real Education, Brilliant Content Of Character,
and knowing that one's Contributions create a lasting an meaningful difference both in in life, and as a treasured legacy and a source of wisdom for generations to come.