It Is Really Not Even That Cold, Maybe You Are Just Getting Old; And, The Great Remedy For Old Age
Wednesday • January 22nd 2025 • 12:07:11 am
Just to show you my qualifications, my Grandma used to say, that I am built like a Russian Bear.
And, yeah, I honestly don’t actually remember, if I even put on long pants, since this December.
I just noticed today, as tomorrow is forecast as polar vortex day.
I suppose, I should put something on, as the weather will be straight from Yukon.
I am a programming dork, so I am always busy at work.
I’ve been shopping food, in my Bodybuilding suit.
I never have time to change, I bet I look pretty strange.
But you know, I think I don’t get cold, because I am not really getting old.
Even though I’ve been around a while, I am more fit than a teen, and by a mile.
I could take down a huge Grizzly Bear, on a dare.
And bicycle across my any US state, without arriving late.
I could convince a crows I have super powers, by lifting 40 pounds of dumbbells non-stop for many hours.
When a person becomes so fit, that they don't even need to sit.
No matter what they are told, they are not getting old.
Which is why, as you were already told, I don’t really get cold.
Now with my qualifications, out of the way, if I may.
It is never too late, to start training to look great.
All you need to know, is that your workout must push and flow.
It must be non stop, by lifting lightest weight, and dancing to music to enter a focused state.
You never sit, and just dance with dumbbells until you are fir.
You must always gently lean, pushing your body, but without being mean.
Never so light, that you are not lifting right.
And never so heavy or hard, that you must stop without that final yard.
Lift wisely, daily, push, and pull, lift for living long, lift as a rule.
Switch from rest and heavy to fast with light, and you will see results to your own delight.
I am telling you, it is never too late, find a gym, it will be great.