The Real Schools
The Real Schools

Wednesday • September 8th 2021 • 8:41:03 pm

The Real Schools

Wednesday • September 8th 2021 • 8:41:03 pm

Teachers can be pushed to perform at maximum,
but that does nothing to make education real.

The biggest problem is the content, structure and aim of lectures,
that is where the really real results are.

If the lectures themselves are broken,
then increasing teacher performance is of little consequence.

Humanity has invented the concept of money and put all of the world into poverty,
if we want students to learn for real, we have to help them towards financial independence.

Here, the students will learn how to build small companies first,
they will be expected to run several, and graduate when they begin supporting themselves.

This is not a money school, not a business school, or start-up incubator,
this is an educational strategy that creates a reason for going to school.

And a reason for learning programming, or soldering, or 3D modeling, or even marketing,
which will create a very real and powerful need, for mathematics, physics, chemistry, language, literature, etc.

Math poses such a challenge, because it is not a subject,
it is a collection of tools and observations that should not be taught without a need.

Forcing a student to memorize mathematics,
without context or desire for it is a mistake, to say the least.

Math can be easily taught with just two simple things,
a through list of mathematical topics along with an explanation for what they are useful for, and something that is interesting to the student, that will create a need for these topics.

Interesting things that can teach math are Computer Games, Programmatic 3D Modeling, Generative Art, Screensavers, Sound Synthesis, Programming Robots, Programming Drones, and programming Drones for race or battle in the air.

Drones can be made in the classroom, this would create a need for knowledge of electronics, and minor programming.

I repeat, teaching subjects without a need for them,
is a mistake.

Similarly, Physics, although much more practical than Math,
is still not meant to be approached without a real need.

Note that hose who enjoy the study of physics will find it easier to learn math from within-physics by reinventing calculus or strange attractors,
this is an example of approaching math indirectly, as a library of useful things.

There are countless ways to make physics interesting to students,
for example, due to the ease with which we learn to compose music, sound synthesizers make for a great introduction.

Perhaps the best introduction, is to get the students to build an array of radio telescopes,
and begin listening to the skies.

Satellites, radio bursts, strange anomalies, perhaps participation in SETI, and certainly radio communication, will invite great many students.

Other ideas are working with inexpensive SBC’s like the Raspberry PI, and building 3D printers from scratch, making custom digital cameras.

BUT! the subject division as we have it now,
in great part contributes to the destruction of education.

Even this lovely Physics Class that I have described,
though a step in the right direction, is the wrong approach.

The students need help with financial independence, first,
and that is the correct way to structure a real educational system.

All the classes should represent very small companies,
and although they will not be able to reliably make money.

A student will have many such little businesses,
all put together, they will add up to create a stable source of income.

A lot of these little companies will have multiple co-founders,
often, the more co-founders, the stronger the company.

Right now, all the subject divisions must be set aside to create a library of good ideas,
and each school should re-structure their classes as lectures in preparation of launching small businesses.

Fake education is marked by teaching irrelevant things,
in ways that force the students to pretend to learn them, by simply memorizing them,

They are taught that the diploma is needed to get a job,
this is a lie, that only a fraudulent institution would perpetuate.

Real education, provides real results, not by measuring test scores,
but by measuring student success.

Real education puts the student in context of real things,
a small business, a need for high level lectures, such as Industrial Design, and then low level skills such as being able to translate mathematical functions into a programming language.

We force the children to use money,
we will now help them to financial independence.

Fix schools, now,
or the students will build their own and never forgive you for what you have done.

Let the renaissance,