A Note To Parents On The Subject Of Art And The Future
A Note To Parents On The Subject Of Art And The Future

Monday • March 7th 2022 • 6:15:42 pm

A Note To Parents On The Subject Of Art And The Future

Monday • March 7th 2022 • 6:15:42 pm

All the big changes that take but one step,
might have already happened, what humanity needs now requires multiple steps.

As I write this,
the wold is experiencing a Pandemic, and a renewed threat of Nuclear War.

Wold leaders are calling for return to office,
and are reading teenagers to fight in new wars.

Lack of real education really hurts the world,
because then, people make decisions based on what little they know.

They will have long dismissed impressions of fake education they have once felt,
and at all cost move forward without even allowing doubt.

If you raise a child in war,
they will never discover art, and may not even know to fell with their heart.

Parents don't let your children grow up in the cultures of the past,
because then all our efforts will be for naught, and circles is all we'll ever get.

Help them rise,
so that their grand-kids are not forced into fighting in a Nuclear War.

in our lack of real education...

Keywords necessary for the advancement of human kind are ridiculed,
all the while world peace moves further and further away.

Even though we have a global banking system,
and concepts of trading futures or short selling stocks.

We we are not able to see the importance of Global Universal Income
that eliminates poverty and by extension war.

Even though we should never ask where that money comes from,
we can easily imagine it comes from a more peaceful and prosperous future that is born from Global Universal Income.

When threatened by poverty,
humanity will not be able to get a Real and Authentic Education.

And without real and authentic education,
we can't have real and authentic world leaders that will help humanity advance.

Without them,
we will only run in circles.

Creation of art and its role in our world is hard to explain,
a lot of people believe that their poverty is their fault.

Poverty is a problem with the way we understand and use money,
it is not allowed to use money in human affairs while crushing the world with poverty.

If we are to use money,
then poverty must be eliminated.

It means that no human being is to fall,
beneath what today is considered middle class.

This requires a global universal income card,
and everyone gets one, including criminals.

It is tough to steal,
when you don't need to anymore.

The card must be granted to all, rich or poor,
it is hard to be homeless when you can afford rent.

It is hard to go out of business,
when your customers wake up with $100 on their card every day.

It is hard to live in a world,
that ignores poverty.

What can a politician say, that has any meaning,
when he can't understand that poverty is evil - it just never occurred to him.

Politicians, have always tolerated poverty and homelessness,
and sending teenagers to war.

This means that the world has no leaders,
nobody is in charge.

And that almost all people today reject the idea of free money,
for the purpose of elimination of poverty.

Means that there is nobody here,
to stand up for human rights.

Just like the discussion of art as means of elimination of poverty,
pushes us into politics.

Helping children to become the leaders needs,
also pushes us into an odd place.

The leaders that the word needs,
so that we become more humane to each other.

And as a bonus eliminate propaganda and nationalism,
religious and political borders and few other idiotic things.

Begin on their first big test somewhere towards the end of middle school,
they begin the moment they are presented with a choice to memorize or to learn.

And their biggest obstacle,
is actually their parents.

Most parents lie that they can't get a job without a diploma,
and threaten children with punishment for bad grades.

Of course schools do the same,
they threaten with shame and holding kids back a grade.

The reality of the matter is,
these jobs will pay you less and less the longer your work.

They will insult you with a "raise",
that does not take inflation under account.

They will force you to smile while paying you less,
and forcing you to work harder...

As you work your entire life away,
books, adventure and creativity, and growing up - be damned.

Wage slavery prevents people from flourishing,
they may appreciate wisdom...

But will never figure out,
that they are meant to become great beings.

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,
and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

I did not wish to live what was not life,
living is do dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary.

I wanted to live deep and suck out all of the marrow of life,
to cut a broad swatch and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms

I really feed bad for saying this,
because this should never have come up.

But your children unfortunately, need your permission,
to leave the classroom when presented with a test they were tricked into cramming for.

You are propagating the dark ages, if you really though about it,
I think the best you could come up with is: "How was I supposed to know" - so lets just leave it at that.

By leaving the fake classroom,
the students will be allowed to search for something real.

In this desperate and inhumane time of global poverty,
the definition of real education is:

A deeply inspiring and creative process,
that immediately presents a very-real possibility of making a little bit of money.

Where that possibility scales on an easy ramp of self improvement,
and goes from a real possibility to reality with just a little bit of effort.

This describes the process of Creation and Sale of Art,
this may involve 3D modeling that produces shadow reference for a 3D painting.

But it would be a very inviting experience,
just the creation of a few squares, to get the shadows right.

The entry into the world of art,
must come with a very mild on-ramp.

Mild and pleasant on-ramps with real results,
is precisely what students will seek, when allowed to look for real education.

Once you give the children the permission,
to reject fake and mind numbing fake education.

And they experience the noble and dignified process,
of creating something from the heart, in the world of art.

Once they stop being terrified of poverty and homelessness,
and become stronger by knowing they can create out of imagination.

Will they be able to detect,
what wage slavery does to a mind.

By extension, by subtle analogy,
they will grasp how propaganda is fueled by fake education.

How people who were forced in a school that granted them low knowledge,
can be easily pushed to make war a reality.

Here they will understand that to help the world advance,
the world must be set free from poverty.

You will never comprehend the meaning of free money,
nobody who didn't push themselves away from fake education will grasp the concept of a more honest and humane world.

The children who stopped being scared of poverty,
by means of being able to create works out of their hearts, alone.

They will know to reject toxic wage slavery,
and encourage people towards creativity that holds the promise of financial independence.

Eventually, by subtle analogy,
they as the future leaders, will see that the Global Income Card that raises everyone up into what is today the middle class...

Is the only humane way forward,
as there is no profit to be made for keeping humanity poor and too scared and tired to get a real education.

The end of poverty is the only way to advance human kind,
past the problems we face today; and well into Wisdom, Greatness and World Peace that is worthy of the future generations.