How To Become Smart? Or, Don't Get Tricked Into Thinking That You Are Not Smart
Saturday • December 31st 2022 • 9:57:09 pm
I've noticed today that individuals of questionable integrity, use big words to outright dismiss other people, without any consideration for what they are saying.
I saw this on one of the smaller news sites, where the attacker completed their sickly compulsion...
With sending the curious user to read the website rules before posting, as if to wash himself, if not downright fuse to the real moderator cornholios.
I don't think this was a real moderator, either way, I muttered the words "Toxic Cat Turd", and deleted the internet, or tried to, anyway.
The following text, attempts to bring such strange attacks to light, but really, it asks you to take to books.
Because, inheriting culture from well respected books, also held in high esteem by all the world's intellectuals.
Will forever be the best way, to rise above the irrelevant and insignificant, and in this case to spot a cruel or bad person.
Be careful, because if you have to ask, you maybe under attack.
When a person succeeds in making you feel less than smart, then that means they have reveled themselves as a troublemaker.
Normal people, in normal settings encourage each other with positive concepts and attitudes, they build each other up, cheerfully, and wisely.
Overall, you can use the rule of: is this person helping or hurting me, or is this thing contributing positive or negative things.
For completion sake, when I was a child, I’ve noticed, troublemakers will try to make people cause the same trouble to feel better about themselves.
This is usually associated, drugs an alcohol, people who try to poison your mind, are dangerous.
They are not your fiends, the way they twisted their minds up, makes it so that, that at this stage in their development, they neither think nor feel.
Just remember that positive people care about you, and negative people will try to manipulate you probably just to make their lives easier.
And if you ever catch a negative person, being positive, in order to manipulate you.
That, is the universe, just reaching out to you, in hopes of getting you to become a funny and soon to be a beloved writer.
We are all super smart, but that can be disabled in a way that we won’t easily catch at first.
Stress, from just being told to what to do all the time, can disable our smarts.
A lot of parents do that, in that case, let them treat you like the black sheep, you relax, and be you, and once you catch your breath, listen to 10,000 books.
Because Schools are really good at making you feel stupid, and then dangling a carrot of graduation, diploma and job.
To get you to obey, to memorize and pretend to learn, so that they can take a paycheck home and put food on their table.
Of course if they taught for real, the world would become a better place, and they wouldn't need to cheat to put food on their table.
By selling you out, in school, they pay for it during their retirement.
Where if you had a real education, they would be cared for, loved and celebrated.
By selling you out they remain poor and stupid, wondering where it all went wrong.
I wish I was a good enough writer, to explain to you that all concepts, are always a double edged sword.
They can build you up, or destroy you.
The concept of school, money, smart, creative, clever, neuro-divergent, gifted, can be used for evil as well as good.
There is no easy way for you to flip a switch and protect yourself, this is a process that takes year.
It asks you to push away all stress and fear, and especially stupid friends, and love yourself, and celebrate your life, and take to adventure.
And most importantly, once you regain your serenity, gently listen to 10,000 narrated books.
This is your intellectual inheritance, don’t pay for them, go to the library, that is why it is there.
Until your first 100 hundred books, you are in danger of being manipulated.
Until your 500th book, it will be really hard to untangle which concepts are there to manipulate you…
And which are there to help you, the concept of IQ for example, is not real outside of a competent therapists office.
Therapists can help a person with actual learning disabilities, but giving a patient an IQ test at the end of therapy, can only reveal a fraudulent therapist.
Low IQ is probably most often a sign of abuse, a therapist will take that sign, and help the person up.
Probably by encouraging them to do Art by first practicing with an Art Projector, to do poetry with the aid of a rhyming dictionary, to compose with a beat sequencer…
And of course to gently listen to 10,000 narrated books, it matters little what the IQ score was.
It is just a signal for a competent therapist, to bring Art, Music, maybe Sculpture, and certainly narrated books into the sessions.
The concept ends here, outside of a therapists office, when someone says I have a high IQ, it is usually a good sign, that they many need some kind of therapy.
I know this is funny, but please understand, that many other concepts are being misused like this, and our cultures are too far behind to make the misuse seem ridiculous.
This is why, you need your 10,000 narrated books, it is a life long project, it is how Humanity grows.
And at this moment, it is the only real school we have.
As a side note, the only time you can set your books aside, is when you start writing your own.
Your uniqueness, will take different parts from different books, and empower you to write, like you never thought possible.
The books will help you ascend into a culture of wisdom, where knowledge and greatness is our sacred right.
And books that are held in high esteem by world leading intellectuals, will be especially life changing.
Don’t just read books, listen to them, wisdom is like music, it is meant to be heard.