A Portfolio Of Silly And Fun Inventions
Tuesday • October 5th 2021 • 8:34:44 pm
I am starting to think that Superhero belts,
are not as silly as they sound.
One seller on etsy made $657,900 dollars selling the Batman Begins / Dark Knight Utility Belt,
which is for costumes only.
My own design,
an extension of the wallet.
Will be able to hold credit-cards,
phones, car remote, music player, and more.
Not to mention the massive test of courage,
that walking around with what looks like a bat-belt represents.
And what an adventure,
that could be?
When was the list time someone asked you,
if those are real smoke bombs.
And when was the last time that you actually went to the dollar store,
to pick up a couple of them?
And Specifically,
because not only does your belt support them.
But in deed actively encourages you to get some,
as it has a cute little compartment for them.
Who cares that come July 4th,
unlike Batman you need to fiddle with a lighter to light them.
And then they puff a baby-cloud of indeterminate color that even a ninja couldn't hide in,
a smoke bomb is a smoke bomb.
And of course,
the little pocket doubles as a convenient neat little hiding place for candy.
It supports anything between four Tootsie Rolls,
to a couple of Ferrero Rocher - with crunchy hazelnuts.
Seriously though,
it is all only as foolish as you want it to be.
People looking at your portfolio won't care if it is a superhero belt or a Raspberry Pi computer-case,
as this is a question of your creativity and accomplishment.
(It is a very noble thing to set off to get a PhD,
to further science, to make a difference for people that need help and support in a hospital.
But there is an easy way,
and a hard way.
The easy way, is what the etsy seller is doing,
by the amount of money they made, they removed their stress of poverty.
Schools are taking advantage of students by forcing them into debt,
we must encourage students to create, to learn independently alongside all the broken lectures and promises.)
Even before finishing this text,
I already started testing Tactical Jewelry design.
I am not yet quite sure what that is,
but I bet it is great for a portfolio and self defense, and certainly fascinating to look at.
"Wow that is a very interesting bracelet you go there mam",
"it is actually all the components I need to swiftly assemble a dependable grappling hook - merely arranged to look like a fancy bracelet"
"I often use it to escape boring conversations, and inquisitive people, like you,"
sound effect
I am sure if we teach students to become inventors too,
they will invent their way towards their future.