Workout Video
Thursday • April 2nd 2020 • 4:04:32 pm
Captain's Log: Day Seventeen of Quarantine.
Found two bugs in code, and got stuck in between.
I was supposed to be working on a Sound Machine,
but spent the noon formatting the code to keep it clean.
I can't believe, there is a bug in my code,
its probably in octicons, because I am using node.
Worst of all, I can't see it fail until I publish,
because sapper likes static as not to be sluggish.
So here I am, finally dressed up like Superman,
Debugging code, blind, like a veritable caveman.
I did a bit of soul searching,
then followed with some researching.
Now, I am sitting here, contemplating if I need a cape,
wondering if I should follow up with an Audiotape.
I could finish up getting in shape,
and completely change the workout landscape.
I am serious about making a workout tape,
I really want to get in shape.
What if the workout required wearing a tail?
Would it become like super holy grail?
I would walk the street and people would pale,
"Sir! Why have you done this?
You, are a Whale!!!"