Quo Vadis; Or, Learn For Real Because Your Teacher Isn’t Really Trying To Teach You
Quo Vadis; Or, Learn For Real Because Your Teacher Isn’t Really Trying To Teach You

Wednesday • June 19th 2024 • 12:10:16 am

Quo Vadis; Or, Learn For Real Because Your Teacher Isn’t Really Trying To Teach You

Wednesday • June 19th 2024 • 12:10:16 am

This is a two part text, in the first part I will ask you to learn programming, and in the second part, present what many will call a hyperbole.

Those many often have a reasonably successful person bias, reasonably successful is tough to achieve if you let others push you through life.

It is largely a random meandering, towards regrettable failure, after all why should people that don’t care about where you are going help you.

Learning programming, unlike studying medicine for example, is something you can do right now.

By simply searching for JavaScript tutorial, and exploring programs like Node-RED, and Node.js Libraries

And it is a world of learning that pulls you in, and helps you re-interpret the entire universe.

Through code; visualization and simulation, games and virtual world, mind maps, Artificial Intelligence, and tools that you make for your self.

It is magic for our minds, your thoughts can become a thing on the screen, you can ever print it out on a 3D printer, be it jewelry or precision modeling.

Little baby steps, at your own pace, in a sequence that matches you best, will take you around the entire world of software development.

Not once will you regret it, and you will dismiss all you “what might have been” thoughts.

Because, everything else was behind some moat, crossing of which, required counting on the most dangerous things in life, luck.

Programming, will never cease, laying a new layer of capabilities within you, every time you touch it, you become more powerful.

And unlike all the stuff that others want you to do, you remember what you learn for life, because it is useful, and precious.

It costs nothing, you can skip over office cubicles or open office madness, and go directly into building a series of subscription based services.

Most of them will fade away, but all will combine to teach you, where you need to go and how to get there.

Usually creating tools, that give people powers, that they need, that fix problems that they actually have.

It does not matter if you are in Middle School High School, or College, you can start learning programming right this moment.

Build a path, that you can trust, because it will be your own.

Now the hyperbole, the bad news, before you cram to graduate, please ask yourself...

What do you look like to your employer, with all your loans, after having spent years jumping largely meaningless hoops in school?

Part of the family, part of the flock, part of the sinking ship, part of the understaffed profit maximization scheme?

You are not to hand control over your own future to anybody else, no human being is permitted to do that.

You need to take active role, in everything ahead of you, while comprehending that the choices you make dictate your entire existence.

Pretending to learn, cramming, not understanding things, is not a shortcut, guarantee, a speed-run, or a hack.

It is a con, you are purposefully stressed out by the teachers, to slide through the High School intestine while they get paid.

The people who you thought held a higher grasp on knowledge, were just following a script, they didn’t even know, try, to not betray you.

One of the most frightening realizations you will experience, will be you, in your middle or golden age…

Reciting, remembering, that Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

That is such a disconnected piece of knowledge, that you will immediately grasp, that you were cheated out of real education.

You weren’t just spoonfed per-chewed facts, it was useless information, to keep you busy, feeling stupid, and worried about your grades.

All those times you were made to feel stupid, or scared, or hurt by bullies, were part of a meaningless paycheck charade.

You do not have a real education, and if you try to “hello teacher what’s my lesson” though life, you will fail.

You were never taught actual Art, or meaningful Music Composition, and you are not even learning the right math.

Please, please, do not count on luck.

You have to visualize the entire journey ahead of you, and see every concrete slab, that you will walk over.

In the near future, with AI, there maybe better choices than programming, but today, it is the most powerful and safest path you can take.

You don’t have to take my word for it, watch a Beginner JavaScript tutorial.

Take a step back and see how you were made more powerful, how you can now write a hello world program.

And with a couple, not even a few, more tutorials, you can be building Desktop Applications with Svelte.

One of the most complicated challenges, made luxurious with reactive JavaScript on top of your very own browser.

Finally, even if you feel that programming is not really for you, learn it anyway.

Just so that you develop an intuition, real, meaningful, and functional education.

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