A Universe Of Your Own
A Universe Of Your Own

Tuesday • June 6th 2023 • 11:22:01 pm

A Universe Of Your Own

Tuesday • June 6th 2023 • 11:22:01 pm

Memorized formulas, and knowing that mitochondria, is the power house of the cell...

Is not education, at all, if anything, it is fantasy, fraud, and betrayal.

Our unique educational path, will cross mitochondria several times.

Just by reading books, you hear of mitochondrial DNA, that it is a foreign organism, and that keeps its bags packed.

But that is still not education, these are popular science facts.

Popular science, is a kind of poetry, where scientists create these beautiful and true stories.

That help us understand the universe, it is an invitation to science, it is love of science.

An interest in works of Science Popularizers, is more powerful than school.

Because these stories aim to be connected, aim to be integrated.

And if yo listen to enough of them, they will start cross connecting.

And you will begin, building your own knowledge library.

As powerful as that is, we still have a problem.

This knowledge is very snugly and soft, and we need structure, so that we may climb higher.

Basically, the question is, how the heck do you get you hands on a cell.

Not just mitochondria, but the unit.

And the answer is simulation, computer simulation by means of programming.

Allow me to explain that with a simpler example, space travel.

When we receive a signal, it will we super old, maybe a billion years old.

That planet may be long gone, and if we are to reply anyway, it will take another billion years.

But there are anomalies, paradoxes, space warping, constant acceleration considerations.

There are simple ways to warp time and space, and still hope to escape the event horizon, or the point of no return.

You’d think that this requires a professional scientist, but actually, you just program a pixel art game.

You will be shocked to discover how slow speed of light is, immediately develop a hunger for orbital dynamics, or math.

You you will angrily discover that mathematical notation is a joke, in fact Newton said, he made it harder on purpose.

And that you are just about the first, learning astrophysics, by means of simulation.

Getting inside a cell with a similar approach, will be just as lightening.

Here, you will discover that simulations of nuclear chain reactions, or the sun, and formation of universe, is almost too easy to study.

But it is still hard to believe this, it is all still too fluffy.

And this is where learning programming comes in, in this context p5.js is a great starting point.

The first thing you do when putting a moon in the orbit of a planet, is reach for newton physics, and the moment you consider travel.

You look at Einstein’s works, you will need help converting them to code, the way he needed help to convert them from ideas to math.

But here you arrive at the edge of real education, and you begin working with relativity, with warping space an time.

You become interested in chaos, and mesmerized by the Lorenz Attractor you set off on a journey to create a new universe.

At the very least, computer programming, will show you what real education is like.