Write Far Into The Future
Write Far Into The Future

Sunday • October 24th 2021 • 6:19:29 pm

Write Far Into The Future

Sunday • October 24th 2021 • 6:19:29 pm

Always look deep and far,
as you can't ever be sure when you are.

Add it all up together,
and try to make it better.

Because history moves pretty fast,
soon all this will become a distant past.

The future will see us forgetting-lessons between generations,
and fighting wars across stupid borders of poor nations.

That's why we have to look far,
sometimes even see the sun as a lonely star.

See the little human race,
as capable of dreaming through time and space.

History has no time to see the sides,
it barely even notes our great divides.

The wars are just a mistake,
born from the divisions we make.

But our daydreams are in deed awesome,
and we must take care to help them to blossom.

There is no limit to length of dreams,
and we should connect them in long streams.

I think when we dream to connect things together,
our future slowly becomes better.

And there is no imagining how beautiful it can look,
until we start inheriting from book after book.

This way we can learn lessons from the past,
and make the advancements-made last.

Dreams and books are just the first part,
as then we have to write down our art.

We have to pass on our lessons in some simple way,
as we all need to have our say.

And we have to pass on the lessons we find in the past,
ensuring that those too will last.

The direction is always more wisdom and cheer,
converge on all that is precious and dear.

Abandon all the bad ideas to the past,
and move forward fast.

We are not at a point in history when we can rest,
humanity advancing forward is for the best.

To make sure that someone in the future takes a look,
put only your best ideas and into a simple book.

And when you find it too hard to fill a page,
then you need more books to reach the next stage.

Unlike an imaginary memorization test in school,
a book can be used as an honest measuring tool.

Start with dreams, inheritance of wisdom, and writing,
and aim to help humanity dream about uniting.

Completeness of your book helps you test the completeness of your mind,
it will help you get all your thoughts aligned.

Writing is like having Socrates help you with your thoughts,
before you know it you'll repair all the trouble spots.

You should be able to see up and down in time,
and all the mountains should be yours to climb.

And you have to get above things like paying for school,
and never let anybody use you as a tool.

Wisdom is the art of seeing,
and you are meant to Become a Great Being.