Harsh Fitness; Or, Become An Adventurer Because There Are No Obese Elderly
Harsh Fitness; Or, Become An Adventurer Because There Are No Obese Elderly

Wednesday • July 3rd 2024 • 11:59:36 pm

Harsh Fitness; Or, Become An Adventurer Because There Are No Obese Elderly

Wednesday • July 3rd 2024 • 11:59:36 pm

I am very sorry, but the truth about obesity is morose, obesity is a disease that is killing you – it will rob you of half of your life.

But, it is a curable disease, that you can overcome, so as long as you don’t attack it head on.

If you just stop eating, you will fail.

If all you do is sign-up for the gym, you will fail.

If you go jogging while heavy, you may ruin your knees.

And it will be dangerous, our bodies need time for change.

You can’t just leap into, a healthy lifestyle.,

And if you push your weight loss plans for another day, then you are unlikely to ever see that day.

Life does not get easier, you get busier every day.

Your weigh-loss, has to start immediately.

You are obese, you need to give up your career.

Because, if you don’t, you will never see retirement.

Quitting your job is just one, of the many changes you need…

And not just to succeed, but to survive.

There is an old saying, by Sun Tzu that goes…

A victorious warrior wins first, and then goes to war.

And defeated warriors, go to war an then hope to win.

The series of changes, that you must make in your life.

Help you win the war, before you know it.

Making the battle for life, a mere formality.

Do you understand, what a powerful enemy you are facing.

You are genetically predisposed for eating, and you eat more when things get difficult.

Obesity is such an enemy, some go fo for the dangerous surgery.

And still fail, sill relapse, after all the fears and worries.

Do not feel insulted, that your career must go.

Your entire life must be re-built, to take on obesity and triumph for life.

While you try to figure out, how you are going to manage your future.

Here are the other changes, you must institute.

And let me get down to the point, assuming that you want instant change.

Cut the plugs, off of all your kitchen appliances.

Say goodbye to all the soul food, you’ll never taste that sweetness again.

And I mean that, once you betray your favorite food. It will never taste good again.

Tomorrow, clean up the kitchen area.

Buy a used fitness bench, and turn the are into a fitness zone.

You will do your fitness thinking, here, right in the middle of the place that was killing you.

You will become reborn, from its ashes.

Always buy used sports equipment, someone before you failed.

Pick up the slack, make your effort count for more.

You don’t need a barbell, to start you will need a 3 and 5 pound dumbbell.

As you go, you will take it up to 8, 10, 12, 15, 17.5 and 20.

You won’t need more than that. But you must start with the 3 pound dumbells.

And your exercise is walking with them, in your hands.

You wake up in your morning, lay an egg about the career you had to destroy to survive.

Don’t feel too bad about it, it is only a carrer if it comes with a few decades of retirement.

With a lifespan of 38, you would have to retire at 8 years old.

And you really deserve 50 years of retirement, you were not built for a career.

Once you succeed you can become a trainer, maybe a long distance trail guide….

Helping chunky people, cross the Appalachian Trail for example.

You will have to stay in the real of fitness, that is yet another element of winning the war.

As to your kids, they do not come first, you are not to live second to anybody.

If you allow yourself to think that way, they may reject you as a parent.

How dare you, after all, to force them into a funeral so soon, have dare you to abandon them.

Your kids would never ask you, to lay your life for them.

And they don’t need as much, cheap help as you think they do.

They want to see a great being, they want to see you winning the war.

They want to walk the trails with you, that’s what they want.

Having set your career worries asides, understanding that it was not a career but a death sentence.

For a career must come, with retirement.

You put on new socks and soft walking shoes, and with 3 pounds in left, and 3 pounds in right.

You walk, towards the supermarket, the places you usually take your car too.

You walk faster and faster, and you wait for the day when your back and arms adapt...

To receive the five pound dumbbells, and then carry on continuing to challenge yourself.

Gradually taking to hiking, camping, and maybe crossing the Appalachian Trail.

At first your diet is just shredded lettuce, and without a fridge you have to go to the supermarket.

At first it will be enough to get into your car, and drive every day to get your food.

But later you will of course have to walk, there are no shortcuts in war against death from obesity.

And later, it will be nuts and berries, and some BBQ meat that that you will have to cook outside.

Get serious about becoming a fitness expert, because it will be something you will truly understand.

And now that AI can generate music, you can even hope to sell your wisdom and workout programs online.

Again, “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”

You are rebuilding your life, for triumph against obesity.

And I left a little positive nugget for last to cheer you up, obesity made you a bodybuilder beneath all that fat.

That is why you are so strong, as you gradually put on weight, your musculature adapted to handle it.

Once the fat is gone, you will be decades ahead bodybuilders your age.

Now go, be sure to unplug the appliances before cutting the plugs off, unless you have kids and your sweetie is fool enough to expect a breakfast.

Then maybe just take the appliances out to the garage, where you will have to send your family in the morning to toast their strudels.

Either way, do not delay, put the cookies away, begin your transformation toddy.

And if you still don’t know where to start, go buy a tent and backpack - you are going camping tomorrow.

You’ll stay for long enough, to not need to worry about typing up your resignation letter.

And then once you get into the spirit of things, you can go walk the Appalachian, Pacific Crest, and/or Continental Divide Trails.

Time to become, an avid adventurer.

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