Easy Bodybuilding For The Sophisticated Lady
Easy Bodybuilding For The Sophisticated Lady

Tuesday • October 8th 2024 • 11:05:47 pm

Easy Bodybuilding For The Sophisticated Lady

Tuesday • October 8th 2024 • 11:05:47 pm

I know you tried and tried other stuff, but this works because of music trance, that you enter by lifting to the beat of slow songs for an hour or more.

Which under dance trance feel like 20 minutes, and your energy comes from trail mix, just peanuts and dried fruit, no candy.

Long distance hikers don’t always realize that switching to trail mix diet, gives them super endurance, because they are stuffed with complex carbs.

That means they are always being fed by their system, they never hit any walls, energy is always there.

Make your own trail-mix please, make sure that extra sugar is not added, and I highly recommend you soak it in initially hot water overnight.

This will protect your dental work, and perhaps, and this is a guess, this could add to your hydration, and will not contribute to dehydration.

Both, dance trance, slow songs at first and faster as you get stronger, and trail mix, maybe with a sprinkle of protein powder, but count your calories…

Give you a push forward, that you have not received in any other workout, so this will really work out.

And the workout scales from a hint of muscle like you would see in a model, all the way way up to huge muscles, that would allow you to compete.

However, what you are about to hear is just about the opposite, of what everyone else will tell you, and they will be very convincing and passionate.

However, their heavy sets-an-reps workout comes at a price, it is 10 times slower to grow muscle their way.

They are passionate about it, because they know that it works, but they don’t know that sets, reaps, and rest is the slow way to grow muscle.

My proof for you is in a thought experiment, imagine you just inherited a fine horse, from a distant uncle.

The breed has been known to win competitions, but you are not sure how, so you sit down to figure it out.

Will you do sets and reps, where you walk the horse with some heavy weights, for one minute, and then rest for maybe 10 minutes, as the weight really is a lot.

What could you achieve at the end of they year? How are you going to increase weights, when everything is in 5 or 10 pound increments.

If you already lift heavy, then adding 5 pounds, will crush your horse even sooner, and it will nedd to rest longer.

And probably, bite you, in the process - which frankly is kind of a magical woo-woo magic, isn’t it?

It is taken from some bodybuilder movies, where they are just showing off to camera.

Or will you accept the responsibility for building a workout for your horse, actually strategize…

And based on the way that you have seen, the horses and your own muscles grow?

So a non woo-woo workout takes what you got, and repeats it under more weight, to get more of what you got.

Both you and the horse have considerable muscles on your legs, you have to optimize the process that got you those.

That means walking, for an extended duration, with progressively heavier weights.

But no so much weight, that you have to stop, and neither so little weight that you can lift more.

If you can make it though your workout with more weight, then you should add more weight, but not so much that you stop.

There is one exception, and that is when you want to lose fat, here you don’t lift your maximum, but use that to move faster.

And a good measuring stick to how wast is fast, is when you are breathing heavily.

If you are not breathing heavily, then that means your workout playlist is too slow.

And it is only good for rest, you need to find faster songs, if you want to burn fat.

This workout has a very easy beginning, and you would think, that this would cause some delay in muscle growth, but it doesn’t.

Any movement near your maximum for extended durations, will use fat and trail mix for energy, and peanuts and other protein for muscle.

This is a standing dumbbell workout, that looks similar to 1980s aerobics, you won’t be able to have that range of motion though.

They are burning fat and not paying attention to muscle, you are lifting hard, for extended durations.

If you are skinny the workout is one hour long, and non stop, if you are large it is two or three hours long.

And you can’t fling weights, can’t swing them on your joints, you have to notice you muscles straining and getting tired.

Please know that first few weeks, getting your muscles to do new things, will cause discomfort, but this is temporary.

This is such a small potato, that fit people don’t really remember, their initial body aches.

You should view them as a nuisance, and not really the fault of a workout, but your fault for not being fit, if I may.

Getting over the initial aches, also puts your body in a stronger state, where you are less likely to hurt you back or have weird pains.

You simply become more flexible, and gain little muscles to support your fitness.

Like joggers, at first, you won’t be able to make it through the full hor non stop, get a free interval time app, and figure out your rest and workout periods.

And then focus on eliminating rest a little bit at a time, I highly recommend being mathematically precise, as it makes eliminating rest easy.

And you will have to work out 5 to 7 days a week, trail mix will prevent you from getting tired.

But eat just enough to have energy, similar to how marathoners eat their gels, before and maybe during a workout, trailmix is slow to digest though.

You must start in the beginning with the lightest dumbbells, again, that aren’t too light, but also don’t ruin your exercise.

Maybe consider practicing moving back and forth with 3 pound dumbbells, and then temporary adding 5 until you get tired and need to go back to 3.

In case you need two, I am sure if the gym does not have 2 pound weights, they will get them for you or let you bring in your won.

The gym is not the best place for what is almost dancing with dumbbells, consider parks where people do their morning walking, or a lake if you got one.

Figure out where the non-gym people sneak away, and go join them for their walks with dumbbells.

Finally, the dumbbells allow you multiple exercises, and influence your entire body, shoulders biceps, your back, legs and abdominals.

You can curl for biceps, lift palm down for shoulders and back, and above your head to rest your arms, and focus on your back.

This multi exercise, while walking, especially in nature, integrates really well with dance trance, while supporting fat loss.

You barely move to switch to a new exercise, and you should do a dance move when switching.

You can add bicycling for legs, jogging with dumbbells for you back and overall health.

Hiking to strengthen your back overall figure, and wisdom, greatness and and philosophy.

When hiking, or even bicycling, you should switch from music, to narrated books, which is story telling trance, without the rhythmic beat.

Don’t lift too heavy, and always drink plenty of water.

Lastly, if you get brain fog or tiredness, that just means you are not eating enough trail mix.

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