Bodybuilding Simplified
Bodybuilding Simplified

Monday • March 4th 2024 • 11:33:13 pm

Bodybuilding Simplified

Monday • March 4th 2024 • 11:33:13 pm

There is only one full body exercis, and it is simple, you lift dumbbells to the side, in-front, above, and to your chest.

The technical names are Dumbbell Lateral Raise, Standing Dumbbell Curls, and Overhead Shoulder Press, but you don’t have to be technical about it.

Because this is a standing workout; it will give you muscles throughout, large legs, large shoulders, back, biceps, and nice abdominal muscles.

It can also be used to burn fat, and all you have to do, is eventually add a third hour.

Before you can do the above non stop, for an hour and beyond, you will have to gain endurance to do so.

This is also very simple, and joggers do it all the time, without making a fuss about it.

Before they can jog their full route non stop, their body will force them to stop.

But they will use a stopwatch, to rest less and less every week.

Because bodybuilding is much more easier, when you eliminate distractions.

You will need a free app, or no-brand Interval Timer, that clips on your waist band.

An interval timer has two countdown that go in a loop, that you also configure.

The first countdown is your workout duration, the second is the rest you need to successfully repeat the workout.

And carry on, to repeat the sequence of lifting and resting, for 15 minutes.

To figure out what your workout and rest times are, put on some music, and get used to lifting to the beat.

You may start with medium speed, or slow-ish songs.

Begin timing yourself, use a stop watch, or a regular watch or app timer.

Go to end of the rack that has the 3 or 5 pound dumbells, and perform the exercise as described for as long as you can.

When your biceps get tired, switch to lifting above your head, or lifting to the side, or infront, don’t stop, mix it up.

When you begin losing the beat, unable to keep up with the song, and kind of need to stop.

Look at the stop watch, and write workout time duration down.

Reset and start the stopwatch again, and rest, until you feel you can repeat the exercise again.

Write your rest duration down as well, this, is your beginning.

Enter the two values into your interval timer, and try 10 rounds at first.

If you can lift for 30 seconds, and need to rest for 2 and a half minutes.

That is 3 minutes, per round, 10 rounds or repetitions would be a 30 minute workout.

15 minutes is fine as well, but maybe adjust your weight, or add more rest, so that you get a full 30 minutes.

You are already at the gym, might as well workout for a bit longer than 15 minutes.

It is important that you begin with 3 or 5 pound weights, you must start in the beginning.

There are two kinds of heavy, and one of them is only good for maintenance.

The correct heavy, is the maximum weight, that you can lift for two, hours non-stop, which will actually alter your physique.

And the incorrect the ego-heavy, that shuts you down, before your weight-lifting makes much of a difference.

Please avoid copying, what everyone else is doing at the gym.

They are all wrong, if you don’t ignore them it will take you decades to put on just a little bit of muscle.

And now settle into your daily workout routine,

And begin lengthening workout duration, and shortening the rest duration each week, by a meanigful little bit.

Here you are waiting for your body to adapt, our bodies have their own speed of adaptation, so be respectful

Learn about protein, vitamins, brain fog, hydration, electrolytes, learn to check your blood pressure, especially when taking in salt.

Once you can workout for a full 30 minutes, put your interval timer away, your body will be ready to make leaps forward now.

You maybe able to extend your workout by 15 minutes, to reach a full full 45 minute non stop dumbbell workout.

Try to make it to one hour, that will be very powerful, and your body will be changing shape each week.

If you are large, you will need to keep going, until you twist and turn with dumbbells for a full the hours.

If you are fit, hoping to get more muscular, and stronger, you will need to learn some shuffle safe dance moves, and dance.

In either case, once you feel ready to switch to 5 to 7 pounds, try to carefully do so, and watch your back, maybe slow your music down.

This workout is not that different from aerobic workouts of 80s and 90s, the major difference here is going up in duration, speed of music, and dumbbell weight.

Finally, and half jokingly.

The gym may not be for you, it is after all an odd and boring place.

Filled with gassy people who will do anything, to turn exercise equipment into a chair.

In that case, walk the Appalachian, Pacific Crest, and Continental Divide Trails.

You will need beefy walking sticks to serve as your dumbbells, and here rather than beat of music, you lift with each step.

Never walk the trail, without good narrated books you can listen to, and I highly recommend adventure books.

Though not the ones about bear or cougar, or even angry raccoon attacks.

And especially not the ones where owls confuse a mans hair, with a furry creature, and dive to rip his scalp clean off.

I yearn for the days, when I thought bats, were the worst thing that can happen to a person’s hair.

But you'll be all right if you just remember, to scoot when you hear a hoot.

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