Replace High School With Adventure School
Replace High School With Adventure School

Saturday • June 22nd 2024 • 12:22:06 am

Replace High School With Adventure School

Saturday • June 22nd 2024 • 12:22:06 am

Adventure means hiking and camping, and school means learning from narrated books.

No teacher could share wisdom better, than a world beloved author and leader.

Adventure school comes with one big shift, as it makes programming the first and foremost subject.

It is through programming and by extension visualization and simulation, that the students will learn and interact with high complexity.

And by learning a capable untyped C Family Language, such as ECMAScript more common know as JavaScript.

Learning how to program just takes a few days, and learning what to program is about code machines.

Machines programmed with code, the only way to understand them is again through storytelling.

Good examples of powerful machines are, MessageQueues, EventEmitters, and the Document Object Model.

These can only be approached narrative first, which is compatible with hiking, adventure, and journals.

Organized education standardized schools, have failed because learning must be curiosity driven.

The knowledge of a programming language, is the vehicle for such exploration.

Without the mastery of programming, standardized education will continue cheating.

Education boards will spoon feed pre-chewed meat, so that their teachers don't think.

Teachers will blindly follow the slop, and only occasionally complain that their hands are tied.

Teachers, make schools appear real, management gets money to trickle down.

With students being coerced into cramming, under the threat of a bad GPA that will ruin their hope of a career.

The system becomes complete, nobody is doing what they need to do, and all get what they want.

A school that does not teach, is merely another fraudulent institution.

Pretending that schools must be ineffective, in order to at least give basic education to students of all levels.

Is just another lie, part of the charade.

students would be on the same level, is they would receive authentic education.

It is teachers who would be replaced, by personalized instruction computers.

Therefore, to teach for real, we begin with adventure.

There we tackle, all the worlds most powerful narrated books.

And whatever time is spent in the city, should be committed to learning programming.

Students can get paid by tutoring each other, and programs they write don't need to be graded.

As they either work, or not, pass, or learn some more.

Come graduation, with hundreds of books read, attention turns to building side projects.

This is the response to poverty, no longer will the students be seen as workers.

But rather as creators, perfectly capable of turning their dreams into code.

Ability to write computer programs, is exactly the same as the ability to communicate, write, and read.

Take any one of these away, and the students future will collapse.

Take programming away, and they will be forced into loads and false promises that rely on luck.

With programming, the students loses the fear of poverty.

And thus becomes free to grow all the way up, until they become a great being.

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