The Building of The Ocean
Friday • June 19th 2020 • 6:38:13 pm
Since we can't see future clearly,
the risk is simply too great not to take the higher more challenging roads.
If we are mistaken about the importance of growing up,
and choose to push, and climb, and become Great Beings, anyway.
Well, we can hardly say that we have fooled ourselves,
Becoming a Brilliant and Beautiful Being, is probably pretty hard to regret.
But if we are mistaken about the importance of growing up,
and put opinion above fact, fantasy over reality, merely age and never grow.
If we reject real education for grades, and GPA, and a photo op,
and a mere feeling of maturity, but also, fear and no motivation to continue.
If we reach the age of retirement,
confused, or breakable, and lost.
Then we will regret this,
And although we won't know what might have been, we will have a feeling,
that Growing Up would have brought us clarity, unbreakability, and calm.
The risk of misunderstanding the importance of Growing Up,
is too great, let us all aim to become Great Beings, My Friends.
The Beauty of Beginnings,
it that they are always simple.
There are very few unfamiliar things that play a role in rising,
after all, we only rise to become More Human, All Too Human.
We are born with this ability,
it has to be within each and every one of us.
It starts in childhood, as we venture to explore,
be it a garden, or some rusty machinery, or the alien worlds beyond the train tracks.
And like interesting pebbles in a pocket, our observations add,
and as a whole stand to mean more.
Once our mind begins to flourish a decade later,
what we found of interest, or the things that created more questions, lead us to books.
We discover that there were others there walking that path before us,
and what once was a twinkling star, becomes a Distant Sun, not unlike our Sun.
And where once darkness was,
there is now a ray of light.
And we must stay on this path, My Friends,
everyone will try to push you, claim to know better.
Siblings, Parents, Teachers, Friends, your Boss,
they will have few motives, and little to explain.
If you resist, or rise again, and find your way forward,
the Universe will continue adding to your Knowledge.
You will slowly begin to become;
less what others need - and more of who you really are.
Your knowledge will begin overflowing,
it will create a vast ocean.
And then the waves will finally come,
churn, turn, tickle; help you up, and rest and relax, and feel safe.
And that is the first plateau, the first step towards Your Greatness,
the finding of calm, and the successful resistance of what others want you to be.
The waves will carry you,
but the ocean you swim in is your knowledge, is perfectly familiar, and friendly.
And just reach out,
to what you will love next.
And touch and remember,
and let the next plateau emerge.
Your plateaus, their order, and height and color, are not just a path to Greatness,
they are also your Beauty.
Anybody can know what you know,
but only you will build your road to Greatness in that particular sequence and style.
You may start with Mountainous Adventure, add Celestial Cartography,
followed by a venture into your own Photography Business.
These are the waves of your own personal private school of life,
your ever expanding ocean, your Thriving Living Body of Knowledge.
There is no one single direction here,
it is all directions all the time.
So as long as you resist being pushed to places that are alien to you,
and carry on building Your Universe Within, you can only grow.
More than what to think,
it is important to learn how to think.
More than others pushing you around,
you must let your own ocean move you.
No one can enact an external force on you,
that can ever be greater than the power that is already within you.
Nothing external, or yet unfamiliar to you,
can move you as much as that which you Cherish, Admire and Love.
Grow in the Sequence that Makes You a Force of Nature,
and at the familiar pace that your ocean expands at.
To become a Great Being, to Grow All The Way Up,
is to become Perfectly Unbreakable out of all the Uncompressible treasure within you.
Do not be sacred, for that which is in your power, becomes your power,
and that which is not - is not your fault.
My Friends.