Authorities Serve Not Their Nations But The Future Generations
Authorities Serve Not Their Nations But The Future Generations

Thursday • September 30th 2021 • 8:49:10 pm

Authorities Serve Not Their Nations But The Future Generations

Thursday • September 30th 2021 • 8:49:10 pm

It will all start with a young lady tracking the loss of species,
and keeping an eye on the climate - and what we are doing about both.

To put it bluntly,
she will say “That’s F-ing Enough.”

And this is not an ordinary F-word,
this phrase once uttered, is a dreadful phrase.

As it creates a crease,
a separation between generations.

The students understand the urgency of the situation,
better than us.

And there is a lot of students,
in the world.

But they still need our help with the fundamentals,
as those fall under indoctrination and are harder to see than climate and loss of species.

It takes a classroom to list all the problems in one go,
while the following list is short, it is worded differently.

Where the Great Michele Alexander may say,
“we must put an end to the disproportionate mass incarceration”, the children will make a shorter version.

No more prisons.

It is the crease, the separation, they will not be seeking congress, they will not look to make connections,
the emperor will be naked.

So it is is not just climate change and loss of species, you see,
they will have enough of all the liars and half measures, and deals and delays.

I like to think of these as new amendments to the constitutions,
all around the world.

28th Amendment will just have three words,
No more prisons.

The 29th Amendment, also three words,
No more poverty.

The 30th amendment, very noble,
A politician or any kind, including Representatives and Congress People,
will not lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate those who do.

This one inspired by the Cadet Honor Code at West Point,
and makes false promises and lying a punishable offense under the new criminal justice system, a minimum of 50 years of meaningful daily community service.

The 31st amendment will address war, and it is just three words again,
No More Killing

And the 32 amendment, will make all government employees earn at most minimum wage,
as any politician will surely admit it was never about the money.

The 33rd amendment,
will shut down all educational institutions that fail to provide results,
based on evaluating student success in real life.

The children will spend entire semesters drafting amendments,
a lot of them will not pass at the moment of writing, due to psychological limitations of the drafty emperors.

Of course, this will not be a problem,
for they are the soon to be the new Representatives and Congressmen, Presidents, and Prime Ministers.

It will be up to the politicians to implement the end of poverty,
it is rather easy, food-medical-educational-housing-need charges will always process through, though the governments will haggle like hell.

The challenge will be in making these changes global,
and the uniformity of this wiser system will encourage limitations.

There will be a little more than a single point that needs to be made,
to clean up the plastics. For every new kilogram of plastic, ten kilograms must be scooped up out of dumps, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

It is an easy cleanup system,
it is very challenging to the industries that caused the pollution - the children will love that.

With the end of poverty and birth of effective education, there will be little that can’t be done,
and smart money that evaluates the purchases as they are made will ensuring economic stability.

Climate change and loss of species are already presenting clear evidence,
and will prove that the emperor is naked.

To upset the younger generations this way,
is to unravel the world.

We had an opportunity to elect the correct president in US,
but people were simply too uneducated and thus mislead.

It is not their fault, the schools have never become,
what the promise of schools hinted on.

Even if elected four or eight years of educated policy making whilst hoping that the world will follow,
that was far too little.

The chance we had, requited a lot of change, a lot of work,
we didn't stand a chance.

How many adults don’t laugh at free home and money,
under a Strong Universal Income Plan... it is almost funny to ask isn’t it.

Imagine a life without wage slavery,
a world of well educated voters.

A world where a teacher in their Dignity,
will not lower quality of lectures, to increase their work performance score.

Sleepy Humanity needed to witness climate change and loss of species,
including soon to be lost Tigers and Orangutans, to see that the politicians were as ineffective as the schools.

Hence the three dreadful words,
in the opening of the poem.

That mark the separation between generations,
and the mach of children and students at capitols.

We have to help them understand that existence of prisons and poverty is a mistake,
we have to help them associate it with the mistake of war.

We have to help them see, that we made many mistakes, not just climate change and loss of species,
they have to upgrade the way money works, and the way we grow up - crime is meant to be prevented, prisons only cause greater harm.

We have to show that the civilization they are born into is young,
that everyone of them must contribute some change for better, as they each grow in kindness, knowledge, compassion, wisdom, greatness and vision.