Get Serious About Growing Up
Get Serious About Growing Up

Tuesday • August 13th 2024 • 11:39:33 pm

Get Serious About Growing Up

Tuesday • August 13th 2024 • 11:39:33 pm

Your engineering degree or medical license, is too far in the future.

And that future, is too expensive, and fetuses too much overwork, and up-front fees.

You are thinking about dropping a fortune, on a school, that will not refund your money…

If your education turns out to be largely ineffective, or not even something you want to do.

You are not a little bird to be fed worms, by your boss and your mama.

Nor are you a natural resource, to be strip mined with loans and taxes.

You are not meant to be a solider, a worker, a servant, a cast away, or expendable.

You have been made poor on purpose, to serve as a cog in a low-effort economy.

You have been tricked with promises, and low probabilities.

For one it is not possible to pursue happiness, happiness can only ensue as you grow.

And you are meant to grow all the way up, until you become a great being.

You are meant to leave such a legacy, that younger generations, will be able to resume where you left off.

You will literally spare them, the aches and pain you went through.

Thus making your own aches and pains, more meaningful.

You are not allowed to go through your younger days, without reading books.

As that is a sure way to fulfill the fool prophecy, that states a fool is born every minute.

Your books have to be religion free, written by sharp and clear intellectual leaders.

Your life must be spent in dignity, you have to have a code of dignified conduct.

Stand ennobled by your deeds, by the sum of hope and intent across your history.

Finally, a note on how to get there.

Unless, you have a wiser idea, that will push you away from poverty sooner.

Spend your teenage days, learning programming.

It is not a hobby, and it in not for nerds, it is a superpower, like reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Though it is a way to express yourself, in context of creativity.

in context of breaking out of poverty, programming is all about AUTOMATION.

You write a program, that will guide AI, to create your companies.

You need this, you really need this.

You need to become a conductor, where your orchestra is machines and AI.

Beyond that, you need to learn to make applications, the user interface is just a tree.

Make programs, often as simple as a state machine, where what the program can do is protected by what state it is in.

You need to learn to process data with streams, that filter and transform the objects inside.

That will make you so powerful, that you will never fear poverty again.

And I recommend your first business, is a school.

Where you help others, learn programming.

And of course you need real education, teachers are able to get away with ineffective education.

Because they scare you, with bad grades, bad GPA., ruined future.

Coercing you into cramming is not an education, that is fraud.

Your are being sold out, for an easy paycheck.

You have to push the lies and stress away, and begin hiking while listening to narrated books.

All the great books, represent your intellectual inheritance, that has thus been denied to you, with ineffective education.

Pack for the trails, and listen to books written by or about, great beings and clear thinking non-religious intellectuals.

In a word, you have been betrayed, and you have to accept the responsibly for your own profound education.

Don’t blame the adults, if you press them, they will just whimper “How were we supposed to know?”

There is one more thing, in the absence of authentic teachers, you become the teacher.

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