A Warrior Meal To Fix Fatigue, Brain Fog, Muscle Weakness, Body Aches, And Afternoon Naps
A Warrior Meal To Fix Fatigue, Brain Fog, Muscle Weakness, Body Aches, And Afternoon Naps

Tuesday • July 2nd 2024 • 12:45:49 am

A Warrior Meal To Fix Fatigue, Brain Fog, Muscle Weakness, Body Aches, And Afternoon Naps

Tuesday • July 2nd 2024 • 12:45:49 am

Everything you are about to hear will sound completely wrong, but it isn’t, our bodies are much more complex that we think.

What you will get out of this is the desired results, whether it is delayed sugar release, or something else – it does not matter.

This is a high calorie dinner, but that also does not matter, because we are are looking to fix muscle weakness and brain fog.

Once you have that taken care of, you can eat nothing but salads, but when your body is off you first have to take care of that.

First let us make a drink, as it enhances the power of the meal, you can use any drink flavoring, but add an oral dehydration packet.

This is more than a sports drink, more than re-hydration salt for kids, World Health Organization published a 90 page document on the subject.

(Simply search the internet for WHO and Oral Re-hydration Salts)

And then to make it more interesting, use club soda, it is the bubbly water that tastes like static on TV.

If it gets too fizzy when adding it to the powdered mess, mix a concentrated version with regular water an then gradually ad the soda.

Salts increase blood pressure, so take time to introduce new items to your diet, safely, wisely, and be well informed.

Please be aware that the home made mix of salt an sugar, does not work as well as the WHO formula.

Same goes for Vegetable Juice, it seems like it would be much better, but, that is a false assumption, and it does not work.

This is really complicated, so use your wisdom, for example, I have the title symptoms from bodybuilding.

But a large person, may have similar symptoms, from overheating, and getting around.

But at the same time, large people are likely to have high blood pressure, and should not consume salt.

But fatigue and brain fog will prevent them from losing weight, they won’t get far and will overeat, this is why wisdom is necessary here.

I have first heard of adding salt to your diet from an Ultramarathon Runner, and his advice was to chew a bullion cube when muscles start contracting.

This is commonly known in America as a Charlie Horse, and that is salt related.

But, it may be that modern or cheap bullion cubes have artificial favoring, and are in fact just flavored salt, and this won’t work.

I also discovered Pickle Water in a major supermarket, but I never dared to give it a taste.

My guess would be it is the same as vegetable juice, so it comes close, but it won’t work as well as the WHO formula.

This is not something you should drink every day, only when you have evidence that it is addressing your symptoms.

All right, now the meal, it is not as bad as pickle water, it is actually very sweet, though again, forget sugar, focus on battling brainfog.

The meal is trail mix, but it is not as easy as it sounds.

Make your own, by as many kinds of nuts as seeds, and make sure the dried fruit selection spans the world, including the tropics.

Trail mix has a mix of nuts, maybe a piece of a shell here an there, or just an old cashew that is hard to bite.

To prevent cracking a tooth or messing up your dental work, soak it over night, allowing fruit juice to soak into the nuts.

Put the mix into a cup, ad hot water for a neat start, cover it and it will be ready for breakfast.

This train mix soup, or nut-fruit-cake, or proto-health-bar, is greatly amplified by the Rehyration Salts.

The mix of fruits, contains maybe more of what is in the ORS, but, it is weak with out it.

So have a drink, maybe in a jug, that you can drag around for a few hours.

And then separately, eat the trail mix for breakfast, try it for 5 weeks, if it does nothing fo you.

You will need to find something else, to deal with your symptoms.

I first heard of trai mix from Appalachin Trail, Pacific Crest, and Continental Divide Hikers, these trail require many months to cross.

At first, I thought a calorie dense food is just easy to carry in a backpack, but, again, results are different, because it works for bodybuilding.

Protein bars, that have very similar nutritional profile, don’t work at all, they do nothing.

Oatmeal, potatoes, meat, makes you tired, trail mix, on the other hand, gives you energy and addresses the title symptoms.

A doctor would say, all of this is just sugar, buffered by some carbohydrates, and thus released over a longer periods giving you more sustained energy.

But I tried that with other combinations of things, that had even better properties, and they did not work as well as trail mix.

Put your ideas about just sugar salt and fat aside, because again things are more complicated.

Before you dismiss this meal, try it for a few days, it could fix your brain fog, help you have energy to jog and burn calories.

This could help you skip meals, in total on average, getting less calories into your body, by eliminating cravings for sugary junk.

And if it does work, and you feel like performing an experiment, thy addressing the title symptoms with foods that provide similar nutrition.

I think you will discover, that a mix of nuts and dried fruit, is just different, unique, and counter intuitive.

May it unleash the warrior within you, and may you travel countless trails.

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