Programming Is Very Important; A Tiny Note To Parents
Programming Is Very Important; A Tiny Note To Parents

Saturday • June 15th 2024 • 12:50:14 am

Programming Is Very Important; A Tiny Note To Parents

Saturday • June 15th 2024 • 12:50:14 am

AI is intelligent enough to build its next version, technology will be moving much-much faster now.

A High School that does not teach programming first, and all the other subjects later…

Should now be seen as incompetent, if not down right cruel.

AI is a computer program, and it enhances everything it touches.

Programming was already a way out of poverty, and a powerful method for learning by simulation.

Now, it is as important, as reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Young people will face new challenges, and they need the power of integrating with AI.

The difference between reciting, “mitochondrai is the powerhouse of the cell”.

And having AI automate productr creation, game graphics, book writing and the creation of a startup.

Is so vast, that change is needed.

Contemplate your fake and ineffective education for a moment, and hire tutors to help your children learn programming ASAP.

And in case you haven’t grasped the gravity of this situation, go to the bathroom, look at yourself in the mirror.

And say to yourself, out-loud, “Mitochondria is the power house of the cell”.

Until your kids school is teaching programming for the first three years of high school, go hire tutors, multiple tutors.

Don’t let your kids early education, end up like yours.

Let them learn programming, so that they can simulate mitochondria, the cell, the human biome, and learn something for real.

I recommend learning a language from the C family, It is called ECMAScript, commonly known as Modern JavaScript.

Your children won’t have to spend time on describing variables, under JavaScript their data type is automatically taken care of.

(JavaScript is not Java, colleges sold out for Java, today people using Java in their workplace must pay license fees.)

JavaScript also teaches how to make web pages, server applications, standalone executables, and browser based desktop applications.

It is such a popular language, that it does a lot of things well.

Programmers who started programming Java for Android, may need to switch to Rust soon.

Programmers who learned Python, created a lot of slow programs that are just wrappers for C or C++.

There are some great languages out there Go and Zig come to mind, but they are young compared to C/C++ that should be the aim after JavaScript.

Ultimately, no matter what language you begin with, you still have to learn JavaScript if you want to put your application on the web.

As to career dentists, doctors, politicians and lawyers, those are the jobs that will be taken by AI.

AI will regrow your teeth, visit you at home to order a cure for your ailment, run a state like man with a conscience, and learn every law on the book.

In the year 2,000 it was a high time, to purchase a proper desktop computer.

In 2010, it was time to get on the web, in 2020, you better master programming.

Because the AI will first accelerate its own development, followed by ours at such a rate…

That you are already four years late with bring programming, into your house hold.

Programming, is as important as reading and writing.

I think human tutors are important to start with, but internet tutorial videos and AI it self as a JavaScript teacher are close second.


Take a look at the Open Source and Free Node-RED as a starting point, although clunky, Node-RED comes with tutorial videos.

And give you that code box, where you can put in little bits of code, to make some interesting things happen.

It is a very interesting, mysterious, and inviting first step.

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