Ad Astra; Or, Can The World Unite?
Ad Astra; Or, Can The World Unite?

Monday • January 2nd 2023 • 11:01:45 pm

Ad Astra; Or, Can The World Unite?

Monday • January 2nd 2023 • 11:01:45 pm

All cultures must advance forward, eliminating poverty, ineffective education, and human rights violations.

Prisons must become therapeutic schools, bad people are signaling a need for help, they have already been tortured.

And a border means nothing, when members of the Human Family are hurt or in need of help.

Borders are used as convenient excuses, or tools, by incompetent politicians, or competent criminals.

All borders, or any an d all bad ideas will ever lead to, is more war – we are a family, there are no winning sides in war.

When we are raised to believe in concept of enemy and criminals, we become mislead into thinking that terrible punishment is needed.

But it is actually a matter of members of the human family, being warped, often on purpose and by mans of poverty.

There are no enemy combatant babies, we are all born cheerful, capable of becoming artists and scientists.

If we allow all human cultures to converge on world peace, in wisdom, in our greatness…

And with effective education, that raises us all to the same heights and sights…

Cheerful babies, will grow up to become cheerful adults.

World poverty probably ends with a plastic debit card, connected to a bank that really-really should not keep track of debt.

If that is not possible, at least at first, then lets just trade in asteroids.

Or mineral rights on the planets of the solar system, this is very silly.

A card that does not keep track of debt, and resets at midnight is just less embarrassing.

The sum of money the card resets to, is the local equivalent of $100 dollars, heck of a stimulus for the local economy.

The card is quite smart, and will suspend and eventually perma-ban, merchants that manipulate prices.

And it will automatically adjust it’s value, based on where it is swiped.

A person traveling the world, having spent $50 here, will still have the equivalent of $50 there.

The card is about elimination of poverty, but also about Human Rights, the right to travel.

A border cannot be a prison, any Human Being born anywhere, must be allowed to move anywhere they like.

The card also helps with education, the stress of poverty is used to damage our ability to self educate.

No one who is kicked out to live on the street, or has food taken away from them, is able to read life changing books.

It is just too stressful, to connect with the author.

So keeping the world in poverty, also means, preventing the world from growing, and that is just not allowed.

Ultimately, Humanity having fallen behind on where it should be leads to, is needless suffering, enormous amounts of needless suffering.

So much so, that it is really hard to expect a child, to respect adults, we bring them into a shattered world being held hostage by poverty, including poverty of mind.

This is not not say that humanity is ugly, we aren’t like this, at all, at all – we are just tricked by lack of effective education.

The way cult members are tricked, into worshiping stupid ideas.

Not everyone is tricked, authors of life changing books, speeches, or lectures, are doing just fine.

And all it really takes to catch up to where we should be, is reading their books.

Now, a life changing book is not just the work of a particular author, it is a view of all human knowledge, in its noblest shape.

The most powerful of authors, are simply, modernizing, the last couple of thousand years of human development.

They take he hard won ideas of magnificent Philosophers and other Great Beings, and they rebuild them for the modern person, for the current decade.

Like Newton, all authors stand on the shoulders of giants, when cultures shift to make today’s books outdated.

Both the upgraded and new ideas within, will get another upgrade, and in the process no doubt synthesize even more new ideas.

But we have tricked ourselves to believe, that schools are effective, and we don’t need to listen to the top 10,000 life changing books.

Like knowledge, wisdom and greatness, those 10,000 book, often re-listened countless times, are not optional, at all.

And that people feel that they just can’t sit there and listen to some narration, is just a function of poverty induced stress.

Ants to give an example from nature, sometimes mix up their pheromone track, and they start going in a circle.

In the human world we have “Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It”, but we shouldn't’t just look at he mistakes of the previous generations.

We must enter the culture, where we teach the children, to resume, at the heights of the previous generations, or their hard won wisdom will be lost on them.

Meaning they will needlessly repeat the same stretch of road, and should they ever fall all the way down to the bottom, the century will just start with war.

Humanity will bloom and grow in cheerfulness, science, philosophy and arts, so as long as it doesn’t sang on something.

The combination of lack of real schools and the threat of poverty, is like a locking mechanism, it reinforces it self.

We’ve been here before, when tribes couldn't get along, they were at the mercy of nature, predators, and cold winters.

But as we started building cities, we could huddle up to make to through anything, cold winters or wild predator attacks.

In the last two thousand years, we have begun building a new kind of city, the building blocks is wisdom that we store, and keep updated in books.

When we finish building this city, Humanity will sand united, in wisdom, in greatness, in peace, and in greater visions still.