To Carry On The Hopes And Dreams
Saturday • October 16th 2021 • 6:50:08 pm
The world needs, universal income, world passports, free homes for all families,
real schools that produce meaningful results, wise tutors, and free libraries of lectures and beautiful narrated books.
In return we ask the younger generations,
to lead the world to peace - to protect world peace.
Imagine inviting world's students to speak to United Nations,
to enlighten and inspire the Governments, the Presidents, the Prime Ministers.
And tasking them with protecting and advancing Equality and Liberty,
this is how we honor the younger generation and the future of Human Kind.
Let Knowledge become peppered with great ideas as soon as possible,
while there is still time to dream seemingly impossible dreams.
After all, we are just temporary caretakers of this world,
we are one link that connects to countless future generations.
The cultures within which we grow up must encourage us to wisdom,
lo looking back for the most precious ideas that do us justice, and making them better.
Search for Wisdom is a critical component in our growing up,
knowledge alone will make us easily manipulated by the worst of Human kind.
Let me show you what a great being, who appreciates wisdom sounds like,
see Cornel West Interview in the Opening of Examined Life by Astra Taylor.
The quotes that leap into that man's mind as he speaks,
do not come from him being a teacher alone.
They come from his Kingdom of Knowledge, from his Memory Palace,
from the books that changed his life, from the hopes he will never let go of.
He is not just quoting other people,
he is rising on the shoulders of giants.
Same as the giants,
upon whose solders he now stands.
They too built on the highest of heights,
that the generations previous to them have reached.
It is as simple as that,
to carry on the best ideas of the previous generations forward, and to make it even more meaningful.
When hearing a Philosopher speak, it is not about agreement,
but appreciation of the unique wisdom being shared.
Just like trees prefer a particular clime, minerals and length of seasons,
so does every Great Being grow from within a particular mix of ideas.
But all Great Beings converge on wisdom,
in peace, kindness, great appreciation and great respect.
As unique as the tree, at the root,
very much the same in hopes and dreams at the highest of heights.
Greatness is unique, but universal,
it connects the human family together.
Wisdom is an infinite thing,
there is no end to it.
It is very childish to hope to contain all wisdom,
it is a mountain rage of many peaks, it is a tree of many branches.
And all the authentic heights are equally powerful,
equally beautiful, and equally endless.
The collection of the many infinite branches of wisdom is the single most important gift we have for the younger generations,
the gift has been sewn into countless books that the world - in its unshakable reason - holds in highest esteem.
We send the little ones to schools that turn them away from books pointing them towards meaningless grades,
we sell many on the idea of free college for the mere price of joining the military, to fight in wars we do nothing to prevent.
Real education can only be stolen for so long,
because in the absence of teachers the students will become teachers.
They will take to thousands of books,
and go around ineffective education, and meaningless jobs.
Parents should make sure that education is meaningful,
that the hopes and dreams of Universal Equality and Liberty are evolving well.
At the very least,
we must remind the students to become Great Lovers of Wisdom.
We have to help them to understand that they are meant to become Great Beings,
from Knowledge and Adventure emerges Wisdom and Strength, and that in turn serves as the foundation for greatness and Foresight.