What’s Holding Humanity Back?
What’s Holding Humanity Back?

Saturday • May 11th 2024 • 10:38:53 pm

What’s Holding Humanity Back?

Saturday • May 11th 2024 • 10:38:53 pm

Ineffective education is our biggest problem, but it propagates because human beings are trusting, kind, and gentle.

Being passed along is sen as a positive in the classroom, but no child should advance without comprehending a subject.

That schools are structured as institutions of punishment, is a problem with schools, not learning, or authentic education.

It is a terrible thing to cram for a programming test, and expect the teacher to see that as good enough.

Even the tests already present mangled and outdated questions, under the guise of brevity.

Everything in such a situation, is an attach on the student’s very future.

No to mention that knowledge is cut up into dry subjects, subjects cut up into times periods…

And what little achievement there can be, is defaced by inauthentic grades tweaked to look average.

I wish we could have a conversation about real education, but nobody knows what that is.

To prove me wrong, all you would have to do, is show me a teacher, who expected every one of their students, to become a great being.

You see, without understanding what real education is, there can be no constructive dialogue, just monologues like this one.

To talk about education for real, we need to use the worst kids we know as a model.

The worst of my bullies were very sick in deed, and there were kids even worse.

A young gang wannabe who had one of his familiars, try to burn my hand, and I scared him by not moving it and giving him a noseful.

A boy who was already a drug addict in seventh grade, hallucinating a treasure in some church’s spire.

How are these kids, meant to become great beings?

You see, ineffective education is not the only thing humanity us back, there are several ongoing waves that trip anybody who rises.

And poverty, the thing that fractures most bullies, is one of them.

There cannot be real education, in the minds of children actively eroded by poverty of mind and wallet.

If you are not surre what poverty of mind is, think of a father who regrets his son was born, raising his boy as an inconvenience.

That boy will grow up, with poverty of mind.

Poverty of wallet is even more interesting, the man who bail out crooked banks.

Allow children to inherit the poverty of their parents, while lying about caring about breaking the cycles of poverty.

You can’t repair bad parents very easily, but you can give every child born after 2020 a card.

That resets to $100 dollars indexed to inflation, at midnight every day, it is just 3.6 million dollars spread across a lifetime.

This ends poverty and crime, in just about a decade.

It rings back little community stores, as there is money to exchange for goods.

Inalienable right, in case you are wondering, every human being on planet Earth.

Which brings to the the next problem, kids indoctrinated into fantasy beliefs and bad ideas.

Would do things against their best interest, stay home, never go to school, do drugs, eat themselves to death.

That is the other thing that keeps humanity down, the absence of measure of excellence in our decision making.

In other words, content of character goes far, but it does not do humanity justice, we are even more than that.

Excellence of content of character, personal greatness, authenticity, morality, incorruptibility, trustworthiness, virtue…

And even that is just words from a singe page of a dictionary, but it certainly is better than just content of character.

Eventually a student and there will be a first, will reject being coerced into memorization, so that they can be passed along.

What kind of a person are you, will you punish them, because school is such a massive convenience.

To your already inconvenienced life, or help them fail, while daring greatly...

Help your children reject poverty, help them understand that it is a mistake.

Help them with finding and paying for tutors that will teach them programming, JavaScript and later C/C++.

And frequently travel the great trails like the Appalachian, Pacific Crest, and Continental divide.

Where they can develop a healthy hunger for narrated books, written by noon-religious clear thinking great beings, and begin inheriting their culture.

And please remind them, that to grow up, means to grow all the way up, until they become great beings, and gan guide others to rise as well.

It is those children, who will become the writers of the books, that will help humanity advance forward at a more direct pace.

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