Yearn To Learn
Sunday • April 26th 2020 • 6:51:16 pm
Did you know, that we can't grow,
unless our lessons connect together?
We learn the way we navigate cities.
If we leap from one city center, to another...
we will not know, where to go, or what to do.
None of the roads will make any sense.
To divide knowledge into subjects,
and encourage cramming, and memorization,
and force remembering over understanding.
That is not Education, or Knowledge.
We can no more leap between subjects,
than hobbies, or families.
What connects two things together,
is as important as the things themselves.
We only learn when two connect,
and, then the two connect to a third one,
and next one, to no end.
We need a pleasant memorable,
unbroken chain of curiosities,
that we can slide up and down, when need be.
Disconnected snippets,
that we not know what to do with,
are not useful to us.