Configuring Your Interval Timer For Success, And A Quick Note About Sugar
Configuring Your Interval Timer For Success, And A Quick Note About Sugar

Thursday • May 2nd 2024 • 11:56:04 pm

Configuring Your Interval Timer For Success, And A Quick Note About Sugar

Thursday • May 2nd 2024 • 11:56:04 pm

Before we begin, know that this is a painless workout, it is never challenging, never boring, and anyways fun.

There are some initial aches, because your body was shut down, locked in the prison of your sedimentary lifestyle.

Buy those go away after days, you may wish to take the second week off, once your body re-awakens your workouts will not hurt.

If you do this right, you will become young again, you will be strong, flexible, handsome, healthy and fit.

To transform your body you have to work out non-stop, for multiple hours, every day (5 to 7 days a week).

The changes will come quickly, you will see them weekly, and you get the body of your dreams in less than two years.

The changes are magnificent, your knees start working again, you can bend down and grab clothes out of the dryer.

Not only your car becomes huge, but you don’t have to wait to get out of your car.

Before putting your wallet or keys away in your back pocket, you just lean to the side and put in you pocket while still in the seat.

And finally you become more fit than a teenager, you become more fit than you have eve been.

You become young again, you live twice, or thrice.

Let us begin, you will only use dumbbells, lifting them above your head, in front of you, to the side…

And curling your arms, to work on your biceps, engage your muscles, do not swing you weights as that does nothing.

You may not start lifting heavy, that will shut you down too early, and you will fail to signal to your body that you need change.

You must start with three pound dumbbells just to flex, to prepare for heavier weights.

All right now listen, your initial daily workout is just 15 minutes long.

You must answer the following questions: how long can you lift your three pounds for to the beats of your songs?

15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute?

And now, how long do you need to rest, to lift for the same amount of time again?

2 minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes?

And now, adjust your workout and rest, to fill that entire 15 minutes.

As soon as you think you can, double the duration of your workout to 30 minutes.

30 minutes is pretty big, it is only 15 minutes away, from a standard fit person 45 minute workout.

Take as many weeks or months as you need, to expand your workout, to a full hour…

While, eating way at your rest time, or sometimes adding a little bit to your workout rime.

Music and an interval time, will take away all the announces and complexity.

Keep your music fresh, and slow at first, always focusing to lift to the beats of your songs – hit every beat.

Your interval timer must have a strong vibrate function, you can use a free open source app or a clip-on timer.

The full version of your workout will begin, on the day that you can lift 3 pounds for an hour, almost non-stop.

On that day you should also begin mixing in the 5 pound dumbbell, which will make the start of a transition to a much heavier dumbbell.

Non-stop workouts are key, if you are large an overweight, keep extending your workout to four hours a day.

You can quit your job, because there are no fat old people, your retirement plans are not going to happen unless you become fit.

Finally, no doubt you know to avoid sugar, as it is medicine, that should never be injected just because.

But during your workouts, you will discover, that you get into a flimsy, yawning, sleepy state.

And this may not hap-pen at first, and may only occur after a few months of three hour workouts.

This is a state that runners invented glucose or gel packets for, they ingest less than 100 calories of a simple sugar.

And you should be ready to recognize yawning, as a call, to add 50 to 100 calories of sugar after the frost hour or two.

Runners use gels because they don’t take up any space, you can just have a bottle of some sugary mess with you at the gym.

Keep an eye on the situation, checking if you may not need it anymore, as your body could adapt, or workout could slow down due to heaver dumbbell.

Enjoy your second youth, enjoy your retirement.

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