Real Education Should Be Your Own Creation
Wednesday • September 9th 2020 • 6:11:20 pm
I had a strange dream, Dear Reader, and at first I thought it was too odd to share,
but now I am thinking, maybe someone you will care.
I dreamt that schools were totally, completely fake,
and that the future of the whole world was at stake.
They became fake because they never could teach,
no teacher has ever had that kind of reach.
Eventually it just became all make believe,
and school became a real thief.
It stole Knowledge from you,
it did it to get teachers paid through.
Most assumed, you wouldn't notice as it kept all blind,
but that early Knowledge was important for the shaping the mind.
There was no one in charge, so no whistle was blown,
it was fake it until you make it, each on their own.
They wrote tests to keep scores within range,
to stay below all radars, and to resist any improvement or change.
Expensive text books, purely artificial grades,
cheap college and expensive university to encourage transfers and trades.
The students who did well,
they had to keep quiet to pass, and anyway, there was no one to tell.
They had to work thrice as hard working with tutors and in groups,
jumping stupid hoops, making pointless and crazy loops.
And they knew that their success made schools look real and true,
but they had no choice, they had to, graduate and move on through.
Then you got up and said "I am through!,
"how do we fix this - what do we do?"
That's when I woke up, and thought - "Maybe I should answer this.",
and the first thought that came to my mind was "Knowledge is Bliss"
So I said out loud: "Real Education must be your own creation!",
after all, is not too hard to find moving inspiration so that you can build your own education.
And why do we need a small High School lecture,
perhaps it is time to change that architecture.
We should listen to a Famous Audio Books or the University Edition,
perhaps that should become the standard position.
Standardized testing should not lead the way,
it is just a test to see if we learning OK.
It seem to me that time has come for change,
perhaps this is why schools feel so strange.
So, I challenge you, my Dear Reader,
lead the change you hope to see, become the leader!