Michigan, Itch Again; Or, Mosquitoes The Size Of Small Dogs
Michigan, Itch Again; Or, Mosquitoes The Size Of Small Dogs

Sunday • June 2nd 2024 • 11:46:16 pm

Michigan, Itch Again; Or, Mosquitoes The Size Of Small Dogs

Sunday • June 2nd 2024 • 11:46:16 pm

I am patting myself down, like some tragic clown with a frown.

I don’t know if it was close to my eye, or some huge fat dragon fly.

Or if it just fell from the tree, but it sure seemed dog sized to me.

And, I am sure it was a mosquito, because it filled the air with woe.

And I could almost hear it say, malaria, as it rolled away.

They probably sucked all the other bugs dry, and that’s a heck of way to die.

And now are rolling around, looking for new feeding ground.

Mosquito season is quite a racket, I’ve been walking around in my winter jacket.

I hosed it down with bug spray, and it almost keeps them away.

No bites, but not much of a tan, so much for the age of man.

Michiganders hate them too, but, winter to the rescue.

In great part that is why people live here, and why they welcome winter with cheer.

Michigan is pest controlled, all the bugs go away when it gets cold.

All other creatures will leave you alone, except for mosquitoes that follow you home.

They sit on the ceiling and wait for dark, when they swoop down and strike.

In the evening a lot of people light a bug candle, some have torches, and sticks to deal with this scandal.

Many go out smelling like bug spray, but at least they don’t itch all day.

The Michigan mosquitoes is particularly itchy, just thinking abut it makes me twitchy

The best thing to do when walking around in Michigan, is hose yourself down with bug spray again.

The second best thing, is just to stay n the beaches, there on bug ever ventures and nothing itches.

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