Exceptional Abilities: You Learn Most When You Do The Things You Like
Exceptional Abilities: You Learn Most When You Do The Things You Like

Wednesday • January 19th 2022 • 3:13:56 pm

Exceptional Abilities: You Learn Most When You Do The Things You Like

Wednesday • January 19th 2022 • 3:13:56 pm

People know schools are fake,
real companies will look for Evidence Of Exceptional Ability.

You will not gain any Exceptional Abilities,
in High School or College.

And it is crazy to view college as proof,
that someone can soldier through their chores.

If they are brainless chores,
that demand inauthentic learning, then the person becomes worse for participating in it.

Once you have to prove your exceptional abilities to a company,
you are doing something wrong.

A career is a dangerous idea,
it is better to use your exceptional abilities to become an Independent Entrepreneur.

There is no way to describe what you can do,
once you gain multiple exceptional abilities.

Your combination of superpowers will be different from everybody else,
and you will not be interested in following a path, even a less grassy one.

Everything is about you is unique,
we have so many qualities across time, that they just can't repeat to make two people, the same.

You are universally unique,
you will happen once.

The teachers will lie to you that you can't use a calculator in real life,
that you can't get a job without a diploma, and that you can't have a career unless you jump through all the hoops.

You will be forced to abandon the things that are interesting to you,
and processed via High School, to give money to College.

Upon graduation from College,
you will not have any abilities, and you will be in massive debt.

But you can get hired because you have a Diploma,
you will be forced to work more and more, while your salary stays the same.

You will be surrounded by lairs,
in a desperate situation like that, they probably do get ahead, but they are also untrustworthy and lack a real integrated personality.

In short, this whole thing,
cheats you out of learning what you like and Gaining Exceptional abilities.

And then puts you in debt,
and continues using you; until you just can't work anymore - until you just can't do it.

This is not a conspiracy,
it seems when people are mislead into a fake education, they behave in a certain way.

Just the moment the free school runs out,
colleges will line up to take the maximum possible amount of not just the money you have, but also the maximum amount of money you can borrow.

To pay off the debt,
companies evolved to ask for multiple years of experience in entry level positions, to belittle you, in order to force you to accept low offers - the only offers they ever offer.

That is if they are actually trying to hire you,
bringing in family members to a big company requires a number of interviews, to prevent fraud.

Therefore, a lot of interviews are fake, to make it seem like many candidates are being interviewed,
but you won't even get the job if you answer all the questions 100% correct, because some is just trying to get their brother in law in.

You can spot the fake interviews sometimes when you are good at the job,
you answer all the questions, and the fake interview lady will ask you "how do you know all this?" - whoopsie!

Well to answer her question,
Exceptional Abilities.

But you definitely don't want that job,
no matter how prestigious it is, a corrupt workplace will quickly make yo ill.

You have to travel the path of your curiosities,
3D Printers, Programming (or Programming Screen Savers, or Programming Drones for Racing, or Programming Generative Sculptures), Art - be it Sculpture, Canvas or Digital - or even Hiking the Appalachian Trail.

When you are learning something that you like and arrive at Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry,
you will also enjoy learning it too.

In High School or College, not only are you forced to Math alone without any context that you could enjoy,
but you are also forced to memorize.

If you don't memorize you will not pass the class,
because if you tried to learn the medley of topics for real it would take Months, often Years.

The lectures are designed in such a way as to pressure you into memorization,
because testing memorized items is easy.

Testing real knowledge is very difficult,
it may not be possible to asses the Exceptional Abilities of a person.

Often the pursuit of a single curiosity will enhance dozens of their talents,
they will have upwards of 300 exceptional abilities - and they will not even be able to name 10 of those.

Learning for real is such personal process it can't be standardized,
the interview would have to take months.

Even then it would be pointless,
as within those months you would have expanded and enhanced your abilities.

We are learners, exceptional abilities is what we do,
unless we get tricked by school.

If school is blocking you from learning for real,
and then forcing you into college and college debt with lies, and careers full of liars.

Than that is not good,
you will never find proof in time to see that you are being taken advantage of.

You have to ask questions, to your Teachers, Guidance Counselors, Principals, and all the others,
they won't expect you because they know you don't have enough experience in life to spot the fraud.

The way you get at that experience is Narrated Book - it can't get easier,
read between the lines of Biographies, Adventure Books, Travel Memoirs.

Usually the prestigious award winning books,
have the most to say about life.

Listen to books,
don't follow, don't merely believe, read the same books that great beings do.

Don't let anybody or anything trick you out of learning for real,
take good care of your talents, take good care of your Exceptional Abilities.