The Drawing Tutorial; Or, A World Tricked Out Of Learning Art
The Drawing Tutorial; Or, A World Tricked Out Of Learning Art

Saturday • June 25th 2022 • 11:15:28 am

The Drawing Tutorial; Or, A World Tricked Out Of Learning Art

Saturday • June 25th 2022 • 11:15:28 am

Drawing it self is very simple,
because you begin your practice by means of direct use of reference images.

Be it by using graphite paper, pico or wall projector,
or reference images in Krita.

I highly recommend you get a cheap Pen and Tablet,
and use the Open Source Krita and rely on the Reference Images feature.

Just set your reference image to 50% opacity,
and know that the eye dropper will pick perfect color from the reference image it self.

As with everything else these days,
begin learning Krita by searching "Krita Tutorial".

Please know not to limit yourself,
Krita, as in a Computer Program, opens up new doors.

For example, your passion for drawing,
may gravitate towards Jewelry Design in Blender, or even Casting Molten Metal.

But please be very careful,
as it is very scary.

To return to the subject at hand,
early on your biggest challenge is all the bullies that will try to belittle you, and call your practice tracing.

It is a derogatory word when used in context of art,
and twisted artists use it to eliminate competition or just lift themselves above everyone else.

They don't want you to become special,
only they want to feel special.

One of the tragedies of the modern age,
is that a lot of good things are poisoned by lies, and lack of real education.

And liars are everywhere,
because of how easy it is to make sh&t up.

Be strong and be ready,
first in art and later in your great pursuits.

The pseudo artists on TV want to say,
"Oh Vermeer was not a real artist, no, no no, fake, fake, fake".

"He was using Camera Obscura,
he, was, traaaaaaacing, tracing, tracing tracing.".

"And if I was into art,
I would neeeeeeeeeeeeever ever trace." - blearrgh

People who are most outspoken,
probably don't even care to draw.

And real artists, neer call themselves artists,
they will either decide to stay a permanent art student because of how beautiful learning is.

Or become real art teachers, because how sad it is that everyone got tricked away from art,
and how beautiful it is to see students deliver perfect drawings on their first lecture.

As to the liars, what they really want,
is to stop you from growing in general.

In their bird brains they secretly believe that if they can prevent the world from learning,
they won't really be as stupid as they really are.

So your first lesson in a drawing tutorial,
is a question:

Do yo have the strength to ignore all the people
who will say that you are just tracing?

Because if you can't ignore them,
then you will never learn how to draw.

Or worse yet, you will only know to draw slightly crooked things,
and then condemn yourself to calling your art whimsical.

Liars are everywhere,
they want to gain something for nothing.

If they can trick you away from art,
or prevent you from learning as quickly as you can.

Or push you away from realism,
then they will feel like they control you.

They will feed their thirst,
to feel that they are better than you.

The next step is what to do,
when people ask you how you did it.

Here the same liars and destroyers,
will want you to lie.

Again here they will be able to say,
she is a liar and she's just tracing.

So, you must be humble, and always say,
I am just practicing my shapes.

Invite others that are worthy of your kindness,
and teach them what you have learned thus far about using direct reference.

Or just say "Even after all those years, I am still just learning,
I am just practicing my shapes. I don't think of myself as an artist."

See, you can't become an artist because you want to be an artist,
that is how liars do it, they just love that label.

They are so poor in their minds that they use lying,
to make everyone else feel inferior with all their stupid labels.

Don't use the word artist to describe yourself,
only these who see your work can apply that word to you.

You can however call yourself a teacher of art,
and show others how to do it.

Never use the word tracing though, because it is a bad word,
when used in drawing it is a word used to hurt real artists.

Just say "I am using reference images directly",
and explain that you do it out of respect for your models.

The slight crooked approach is wrong, at least at first,
slightly-crooked is a style you can do later on, if you feel like it.

You have to begin with Extreme Hyper Realism,
and you have to get over your shyness and exhibit your works at local galleries.

And remember to always say "I Teach Real Art", or "I am a real Art Teacher",
and share, show other how to do it, create tutorials, or even classes at your local coffee shop.

Liars have taken away art,
from almost everyone.

And crappy teachers brainlessly shame,
the use of direct reference in Hyper Realism.

The liars have won,
most people will never know they were born an artist.

In large part,
due the sick myth of tracing.

Hyper Realism and Direct Use Of Reference Images,
are proof that you already have the Art School in your hands, that you were born for this.

In a process that almost feels holy, you will slowly understand light,
the perfects shapes and the complexity of shadows on a face.

Even if all you draw and paint is faces,
in the upcoming weeks, months, years, and decades, new observations will never stop coming.

If you take to practice by direct reference now,
in just a few perfect portraits, you too will feel the sorrow of a world tricked out of art.

And thus, portrait by portrait you will grow
into a greater and greater teacher, and a Greater Being.

Artwork Credit