Hiking And Fitness
Hiking And Fitness

Tuesday • May 7th 2024 • 11:31:54 pm

Hiking And Fitness

Tuesday • May 7th 2024 • 11:31:54 pm

The first thing you have to do, is get up from the couch.

And then, get rid of you kitchen appliances.

Microwave, might not have been the best idea, after all.

Same goes for the toaster, and other crud, that helped you overeat.

Walking is next, as we are walking machines.

This means the car has to go, at least for shopping.

You only eat what you can carry, and you must avoid sugar.

Sugar can only be used by athletes, and only a little bot of it.

After a couple of hours, of a mighty workout.

And finally we get to adventure, hiking and camping, are by far, by far...

Your most powerful weapons against obesity, and for increasing your endurance.

Everything changes when you camp, you break up your routine.

And not just eating, but sleeping as well.

If you are lucky to be hiking, out of signal range.

Your internet won't work, and all you'll have is your audiobooks.

(Be sure to carry a satellite communicator, just in case you get turned around)

At the gym, you have to lift hard, but when hiking.

It is only a matter of the duration of your stay, stay an extra month.

And burn up more fat, enhance your endurance, and gain muscle.

While gym and jogging is important, these are much harder than hiking.

A gym is just a large boring room, whereas hiking will take you to beautiful places.

An effective workout, requires dancing with dumbbells.

A large person may aim for a 3 or 4 hour non-stop workout, every weekday.

This is a lot easier to accomplish, when just waking trails.

On the trail, your endurance grows, naturally.

At the gym, you have to use an interval timer, and progressively faster music.

Gym does fit a busy life style, though, stress is one of the things we must control.

And it is great for preserving hard earned endure, during off or rainy seasons.

The trick to use an interval timer correctly, is to see all exercise as unusual jogging.

Where the aim of jogging, is not to stop until the end.

The interval timer is not a tool, to establish a well timed routine.

But to gradually shorten rest time, eventually eliminating it altogether.

You begin by selecting a slow song, and asking, how long can I lift 3 or 5 pounds to the beat.

And then how long do I need to rest, to lift for that long again.

Setting the number of rounds or cycles to, fill 15 minutes, 30, 45, one hour, and beyond.

Gym maybe less cumbersome than packing to section hike, the Appalachian or Pacific Crest trail.

But there is no substitute for beautiful scenery.

For crisp morning air, and the fragrance of deep woods.

We are all natural born adventurers, and adventure is the best medicine there is.

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