The Jogger
Friday • May 8th 2020 • 5:27:06 pm
Now is the time,
it is always the time.
You are never too old,
you are never too large.
But whoever you are,
You are always too beautiful!
Jogging is a wise teacher,
it teaches bodybuilding.
More importantly, it teaches,
that our bodies are powerful.
But, they do not adapt as quickly,
as our fancies strike us.
There is one fantastic way to jog,
measure how long you can run.
And how long you need to rest,
to run that long again.
Make the jogging number (1 minute)
and the rest number (2 minutes)
your friends for the Spring.
Rest 5 times, jog four,
don't be too hard on yourself.
Jogging is difficult,
because you should dance first.
Dancing and walking,
are lovely at making you a Jogger.
But if you are in a hurry,
as many joggers are,
a bit of Rest & Jog Tango will do.
So, rest, jog, rest jog, rest jog,
rest jog, and rest.
Don't push yourself too hard,
but you have to run each day.
Some days, you can just walk - so as long,
as it is three times longer than your jog.
Above all, be good to yourself,
because, you are beautiful to me.
And do not forget that you can put,
blueberry jam into a huge salad,
to make a new kind of fruit for health nuts.
I know you can do it,
I believe in you, I really do.