Artist and Art
Tuesday • April 14th 2020 • 9:17:02 pm
Captain's Log, Quarantine, Day Twenty Nine,
I spent the day doing Graphic Design.
Making art and poetry is quite fun,
though with the aid of computers, easily overdone.
I've been doing this for so long, that I've learned,
that, on computers, brevity is the Mother of Invention.
I am a huge fan, of the UNIX command line,
of the various little ways to get things done.
Graphic design, takes a different path,
it takes a while to switch between the two.
Programming languages, is where I spend most of my time,
its an in-between world, betwixt the two.
I've been programming Music and Art,
It turned out not to be that hard.
At the end of the day, what matters is the Masterpiece,
it matters not if it comes from Computers, Music or Art,
So as long as you finish what you start, and use your hart,
you are an Artist, and what you make, is Art.