Early Artificial Intelligence Has Already Changed Education
Early Artificial Intelligence Has Already Changed Education

Saturday • April 22nd 2023 • 10:53:29 pm

Early Artificial Intelligence Has Already Changed Education

Saturday • April 22nd 2023 • 10:53:29 pm

Artificial Intelligence gives students superpowers, that will help them rise out of poverty.

Previously, in the world of programming, just because you were able to make a platform, or build a product, did not mean you would make a sale.

This was not about advertising, success has never been a function of advertising, success is purely about authentic usefulness.

Today, Artificial Intelligence, or whatever you wish to call it, gives young business owners the ability to create useful services.

Previously, we could ask.

“What could you possibly do, that some gigantic corporation couldn't do ten times better better?”

But now with generative text and graphics, and music right around the corner, the answer to that question becomes: “EVERYTHING”.

Being small give you the advantage, of being able to take care of your earliest customers.

As you grow, you hire help, by that time you will have a growing knowledge-base, and AI can take it from there.

Armed with AI, that is free an open source, if you have a gaming rig to run it on…

You are not only as capable as world’s best artists and writers, but you get to command an infinite army of them,

Previously, you could make an argument.

That just because you can build online websites, does not mean you will have something to put int there.

Now you build a website, and expand the artistic, musical, and writing abilities of every one of your users.

You help them compose music, maybe in your website, or maybe by just presenting them with automated lectures.

You help them, illustrate the classics, like Alice In Wonderland, in a way that called to them.

Here they can even shorten the books and tweak the plot, exactly like Hollywood does.

Your users wold be able to modernize old stories, bring Beowulf into the modern age, let magic grant him and his love, a forever.

Yes, an argument against programming, couple of years ago, could at least sound, somewhat, kind of, reasonable…

But with powerful, free and open source AI, not learning programming is like not learning to write...

Because today programming with AI in mind, can lift students out of poverty.

With the rise of the AI, programming has become as important as reading, writing and arithmetic.

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