The Bodybuilding Engine
The Bodybuilding Engine

Friday • June 14th 2024 • 12:52:00 am

The Bodybuilding Engine

Friday • June 14th 2024 • 12:52:00 am

Hard to digest trail mix piles up as you munch on it daily, slowly releasing a stable stream of food for your muscles and brain.

Your muscles reload quickly enough for daily exercise, exactly like the muscles of an Appalachian Trail hiker.

Perhaps it was evolution that synchronized our recovery with night and day, or maybe we are just good at it.

But powering up your muscles for daily challenges, is only half the machine.

The other part is more mysterious, because the more you challenge your body, the more your body can adapt to the challenge.

A horse locked in a stable, or a man locked in an office, will develop very differently from one with an active lifestyle.

If that active lifestyle is gradually made more challenging, your body will use protein to expand its capability.

A long distance hiker will get stronger legs, as they burn through their fat.

A jogger will adapt to run without stopping, and increase the distance they can travel.

The ultra-marathon runner will optimize their physique, for multiple consecutive marathons.

A bodybuilder, by gradually increasing the weight they are lifting, will begin developing slightly larger muscles.

Without trail mix you will have no energy, without protein you will adapt too slowly.

Without energy, the daily challenges cannot be met, without adaptation you will not progress.

Combine the two, start in the beginning, advance gradually, keep hydrated, and you create a bodybuilding engine.

You begin dancing or jogging with three pound dumbbells, letting music trance take over as you hit every beat.

The trail mix gives you energy to work your way up, to a full hour on non stop movement.

Protein from a range of sources, help your body heal and increase in capability.

Trail mix makes those new capabilities, instantly available to you.

You can lift faster, heavier, longer, and with less aches and breaks.

You gradually move to 5, 8, 12, 15 and 20 ponds per hand, and your body follows, adapting to your needs.

You will not get sick, you will not get hurt, you are moving slowly, eating healthy food, you do not get tired.

And as you come close to max your new level out, your body will adapt some more with the aid of protein.

And now trail mix will grant you the energy, to max this level out as well.

This is the bodybuilder engine, trail mix gives energy, protein grants healing.

You refuel with trail mix and push again, your body adapts with protein, and the cycle can repeat.

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