Beyond Conspiracy Theories
Beyond Conspiracy Theories

Sunday • April 2nd 2023 • 6:11:23 pm

Beyond Conspiracy Theories

Sunday • April 2nd 2023 • 6:11:23 pm

To paraphrase Anton Chekhov, “A man is what he believes”.

Create an environment of threat and desperation, for both teachers and students.

And when the worst comes to worst, they will be too scared to ask if they are the good guys.

But please know that weaving conspiracies, is self destructive.

Unlike the creative twists and turns, the hard evidence required by courts will never materialize.

You must face away from the dazzling machinery, that could eat the world.

And dare to learn for real, curiosity, by curiosity, lesson by lesson.

A conspiracy theory is a dead end, and many such thinkers end up nowhere.

Furthermore, a penchant for conspiracy, is a strong sign of desperation resulting from ineffective education.

Not your fault, you are just as smart as the rest of us, it is that, you got tricked, thinking that cramming, memorization and GPA was education.

It is not an education, it is in fact a guess.

Politicians guessing themselves in a circle that standardized schools may work, but if they don’t, they sure as hell will look like they do…

All those students, grades and graduations, and diplomas, can’t possibly be wrong.

And teachers and principals are just desperately trying to keep their jobs, and get paid.

A lot of them are just students, former graduates, that couldn't find a place where thy would use what they memorized.

So they returned to again regurgitate in the classroom, but this time as an instructor.

They know that you won’t protest, because you have nothing to compare education to to see if it is fake.

This is not a reason why you should feel unintelligent, they sold out your mind for brainless paychecks.

Don’t get mad, their minds were sold out too, if they didn’t sell you out, they would lose their job, house, and maybe family.

Get up, take a very long vacation, and get your mittens on every narrated book you can find.

Reading paper books, is a kind of meditation, but it is a really messy way to get a coherent picture.

In a way paper books are like sheet music, you may figure out the melody, but you really_ need to hear the symphony.

If you are unable to listen to a narrated book, popularly called an audio book, or book on tape.

That means you are under attack, it is a mix of stress and depression.

It means that you have gone far enough, and it is time to prevent others from using you.

Break whatever cycles you must, drive as far as you feel you should.

Know that the toxicity of stress and depression, has one final trick up its sleeve.

It will fill your first few days of freedom and independence, with such massive doubt, that we could almost call it dread.

But it is a trick, it is not real, it is just the toxic waste desperately trying to cling to your mind.

You got to keep moving, keep fighting, keep stretching that toxicity thin, until you kill it first.

Your narrated books will help you sleep, especially Carl Sagan, Bill Bryson, Neil deGrasse Tyson.

You will find most of the answers, in books that describe lives of philosophers.

You will find a gentle introduction in Story Of Philosophy by Will Durant, and the Giants Of Philosophy beautifully narrated by Charlton Heston.

Finally Carl Sagan, in his Demon Haunted World, shares a most elucidating thought on the subject of conspiracy theories.

It is him describing a conversation with a Taxi driver, on the subject of UFOs and little green men.

He puts it very simply, and I paraphrase, to say the least.

in contrast to the simplistic, bare bone, half assed story, of aliens in flying saucers with a severely misguided scientific interest.

The real story of the universe is much more beautiful, much more colorful.

And if you were to lookup a simulation of how long it takes for speed of light, to just visit planets in our solar system, you would see how impossible travel is.

There is still a lot of confusion about education, those who had real teachers are surprised that some find science dull.

But people like Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Bill Bryson, present science in a way that those of us who were tricked can understand.

And this applies to all areas of knowledge, there are popularizers of every meaningful subject out there.

You just need to go to the library, and grab their narrated books, and never go long without re-listening them.

Here, you will discover, that in time, you will begin taking on traits of the great thinkers that you admire.

In other words, you will begin entering their Class and Culture, and once you are in…

You won’t need conspiracy theories, because yo will be able to see, sense, and infer what is really going on.