Every Now And Then
Monday • April 20th 2020 • 7:05:47 pm
Captain's Log, Quarantine, Day Thirty Five.
I am not sure that the end of quarantine will ever arrive,
so I am preparing to write enough poetry to fill a hard drive.
I think I shall begin writing about cats,
and then complain a bit about bureaucrats.
When I am done complaining,
I shall pick something more entertaining.
Like perhaps musing about Lowbrow Art,
and then carry on babbling about someone smart.
Maybe a Scientist, or a Philosopher like Descartes,
or maybe a colorful leader like Napoleon Bonaparte.
Then, when, I'll run out of things to babble on,
I will jump on my bicycle and set off at dawn,
I'll bring my notepad and a pen,
and come up with a new idea,
every now and then.