Towards Lasting World Peace; Or, Real And Meaningful Education For A Wiser Generation
Towards Lasting World Peace; Or, Real And Meaningful Education For A Wiser Generation

Saturday • June 18th 2022 • 6:02:45 pm

Towards Lasting World Peace; Or, Real And Meaningful Education For A Wiser Generation

Saturday • June 18th 2022 • 6:02:45 pm

And such is the world as you see it today,
uneducated leaders spewing propaganda to see what will stick and stay.

Drifting towards a future they can't foresee,
a future where our world simply cannot be free.

Are we all so squeezed by poverty,
that we can't see how mighty we can be?

All the while, the liars and ghouls,
expect us to become their tools.

Be it war, or constantly asking for more-more-more,
or giving up on human rights, or forcing us to climb fake heights.

A generation can't face a ghoul,
to whom to whom it is but an expendable tool.

Nor can it change the future by forcing its will,
or thinking that some part of the world must remain ill.

We must leave that dark blindness behind,
and learn, and read, and bring light to our mind.

We can't just keep asking lairs for change or hope,
that will only make the ghouls hand us, the end of the rope.

But by knowing that your generation is misrepresented and mislead,
by taking to great challenges, and becoming well read.

By learning for real, and by making it so that everyone knows.
you can repair where it all goes.

By inviting all the others to grow as well,
you will end the cycle, and bid the ghouls farewell.

Learn and rise to no end, because what you really need, is to know,
is that you all are the fabric of tomorrow.