Unusual Animal Attacks; Their Causes And Prevention
Unusual Animal Attacks; Their Causes And Prevention

Saturday • June 22nd 2024 • 11:43:21 pm

Unusual Animal Attacks; Their Causes And Prevention

Saturday • June 22nd 2024 • 11:43:21 pm

Park rangers always warn about Grizzly bears, how you need to hose your self with bear spray and lay unmoving.

But those attacks, are as frightening are rare.

You are more likely to get in trouble, with someone you can actually take on, and kind of win against.

But of course, you want to avoid confrontation, because a fight lasts a moment, but bite marks and hot flashes are forever.

The most likely creature to go after you, is the angry Raccoon, avoid angering.

They are very proud creatures, very clean, where I come from people calls them the washing bear.

And this fad of calling them garbage pandas, has just rubbed them the wrong way.

Be nice to local creatures, there is nothing garbage about them, it is you who has to put the garbage out, and properly.

Maybe, leave some apples way across the street, where they can munch on them safely and move on.

We all know that Theodore Roosevelt had a Zebra, and he used to ride it, or at least pose for photos.

But what is rarely known until it is too late, is that Zebras, of all chewing creatures.

Have a tendency to bite, and simply not let go, sometimes ever.

One scientist claimed that this is the very reason, why we failed to domesticate them.

Goodness knows how many people, had to suffer very long bites, before leaving the Zebra alone.

We all know about the bats, though they seem to be a lot smarter now.

But rarely do we give a hoot about the owl, and it needs to be said…

Thant not all bold men, go bold.

Sometimes it is the owl that boldly goes, for what it thinks is a furry creature on someones head.

This is why park rangers tend to wear hats, some learned way too late…

Others, are trying to be prudent, and avoid the kerfuffle.

Be sure to either have long hair, or wear a hat.

Because if there is one thing, you don’t want touching your head.

It is the owl, and her talons.

We all know of the skunk, if you don’t have one in your country.

From a distance, they smell like tire rubber, slightly noxious.

From up close, people barely give the smell a description, and if they get in your house by mistake.

You move, there is no cleaning any of it out, you just have to air everything out for ages.

And that rubber smell, will follow you forever.

Skunks are very well mannered, very gentle, and I think sweet.

I’ve been close to one maybe five times, sometimes when jogging or bushwhacking.

And never once did a skunk get angry at me, they know you are just a confused hairless ape.

And understand that you are clumsy, and mean no harm.

Finally, the reason that spawned this text, the deer.

Just a couple of days ago, I noticed I was being watched.

And hurried home to grab a fig, as that was the only neat snack I had.

I tried to inch up as close to the deer as I could, and she was still far, and starting to pay attention.

So I threw the fig, with all my frankly, incredible might.

And it landed some 10 feet short, she lifted her head, at stared directly at me.

Never have I seen ears this being on an animal, and after a couple of moments of that intense stare.

I realized she thought I threw a rock, I could feel a hot flash bubbling in my soul.

I quietly backed away, with my hopes of hand feeding it some snacks, ruined.

I know I was in danger, because it took a distant car, to make it finally go away.

Make no attempt at befriending wild animals, they probably don’t think we are very smart anyhoo.

The moral of the story is to admire the wild creature, but ultimately, respectfully get out of their way.

Often when an animal gets too curious, it mean they are ill, so just let them be, and hope they’ll recover.

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